Sunday, December 30, 2007

Our Christmas Picture -2007

After planning to take it 4 times, and the weather being just terrible everytime we tried, we went over to Nathan's parents house and out of desperation, and lack of good weather, I told Nathan we were just going to take it in his parents back yard near a tree, before Stake Conference. So we woke up a little early, got the kids dressed, and it started to snow! go figure. So we asked Alex (Nathan's 11 year old brother) to take a few, they were okay, but I asked Gary Nathan's dad to take 3 more, and this was the best one. It was snowing but, I wanted one where you could see everyone, too bad Bridget was starving and chewing on her hands, but it still turned out pretty cute!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

16 months

Church is hard because there are 4 little ones who are too young for nursery. We rotate who has the kids so we all get a turn to go to some class. Lucas loves his little friend Larke and of course "bob-ert" Lucas is such an outgoing little boy, and so sweet too. He has really started talking a lot more and eats everything he can get his hands on. I know he will be a great big brother. Once he gets over the shock. Haha.

He loves little people right now too...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween 2007

This is his first year trick or treating, but second Halloween. We went to the Kraft's and about 6 other houses. When I was growing up my favorite part was passing out the candy so we watched the kids come to our house. Lucas's favorite part was the no-work part...he just took our candy and put it in his bag. Crazy kid.

I have 3 weeks left, and was having contractions all night. Maybe she will come early?
I am getting enduced on the 8th so who knows.

Monday, October 29, 2007


After a very long nap, we pulled out the kit that Grandpa Horn gave Lucas and started to carve the pumpkin. We looked through it and couldn't decide what design to pick, so Nathan decided to make a Lucas pumpkin! The innards were so gross and it took a lot of convincing to get Lucas to touch it. I think it turned out pretty good though, the Pinehurst hat was Lucas's final touch.

It totally looks like him, 4 round teeth on top and 2 square ones on the bottom! Hahaha.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Handsome Man

Lucas looked so cute this morning in his church clothes I couldn't resist taking pictures of him. I think I really captured his sweet little angel face.

I didn't even mess with the colors, it was 8:15am and the sun was just so perfect!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Trunk or Treat

Since I am very LARGE we went to Veronica's Trunk or Treat. The Daddies took the boys from car to car while Veronica and I stayed in the back of her hawaiian themed trunk handing out candy. I like going to Arvada sometimes because we get to see people we knew way back when.

Lucas was my Zebra and kept on saying "yip,yip" I don't know where it came from but I liked it.

The boys were so cute and I ended up getting some nice shots of them.

Noah was Monkey George. (Lucas's interpretation)

It was great fun and all I had to do was sit!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Free Day

At the ZOO! We always seem to go when the weather cools off. Who would want to go when it is so hot? It is great when its free because well that's $8.75 I won't be spending on my admission. Luckily Lucas is still free...well until he is three. I can't wait to see if this baby enjoys the "am-mi-mals" as much as Lucas does. Hopefully she does because the zoo is a great place to go in Denver.

Here we are I am 8.5 months pregnant with #2 and Veronica is almost 3 months. Maybe she will have a girl and they can play together. Although I am sure that this baby will love any of her cousins...even if they are boys!

Lucas who is still allergic to the cold broke out in hives again. Hopefully he will grow out of it soon!

No matter where we go the boys always enjoy what their aunties brought instead of what their mommy's brought. Luckily we don't mind a bit!

They really liked this part of the zoo...

These were "fwappers"

Lucas thought it would be funny to bark at them.

Ali gave Lucas these real sunglasses, and he thought he would try them out.

The Polar Bears were out swimming.

Veronica is telling Noah all about them.
Lucas is ignoring her and staring at the girl next to him...she has a FROZEN banana.

The boys had a good time.

Funny Story:
I was coming out of the shower (I am 8.5 months preggo)
Lucas: "Look Mommy a FANT"
I look at the mirror. "What"
Lucas: "Mommy Fant!"
I start crying, "There is a baby in my tummy, that is not nice"
Lucas: "See Mommy, a Fant!"
I look at what he is looking at, it was the discovery channel.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.