Friday, January 30, 2009


Lucas is so excited to meet his new sister, most days he asks to see her move in my tummy so he can rub her or lay on her. Bridget thinks it is all weird but must participate because Lucas should never get to do anything that she doesn't get to do. In fact a lot of the time I find her lounging around with Lucas's Baby Beau and laughing when I catch her being naughty. Because you know, all babies are hers!
Today since I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel with this pregnancy we made a paper chain to tear off a link for every day till baby Witte comes. Here they are just making the chains all by themselves. All I did was cut them!We made it pink and green to match her room. Now I guess I will go make some lunch, have a great weekend y'all!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Today Lucas went to the Dentist for the first time. We talked about it all week, and he was generally normal about it as far as caring or understanding what was really going to happen.

Today after he got dressed he was very excited all of a sudden to go to the teeth doctor. The entire way there he was practicing opening wide and showing his good smile to the dentist. When we got there, his eyes opened so wide and said "Mommy my name is on the board" "L for Lucas" I said that is because you get to see the dentist for the first time today! He ripped off his coat and went into the castle. Their waiting room is a castle filled with toys and crazy mirrors and fun stuff to play with.

We waited and when they called his name to go in he picked up 3 trucks and said "I am Lucas, Lucas Witte" That's right people he is no longer "Do-was" We went into a room where he watched a 5 minute video on what to expect and he told me he was very excited to meet the doctor.

We walked into the room where he gets his check up and the assistant was showing Lucas all of the cool tools, she then told Lucas that she was going to get Dr. Sean. Lucas said "Sean a boy?" She said yes, Dr. Sean is a boy and Lucas sat on the "space chair" while he waited for Dr. Sean to come in.

The exam went well, Lucas got a 98% on his brushing and plaque scale. They told me he had great teeth and said they were impressed that he didn't cry. They counted his teeth and showed him a special book of what good teeth should look like. They asked Lucas if they could take his picture because his teeth needed to be in that book. He agreed and so he got his picture taken. They told Lucas that I (mommy) was such a good mommy for helping him brush his teeth that I get a sticker because he had a great score. Lucas told me he was so proud of me. :)

Bridget a.k.a "trouble" felt that she needed her teeth checked too and climbed up on the chair to get her teeth looked at. She opened wide and giggled the whole time. They both got new toothbrushes and a little toy.

On the way home Lucas said that Dr. Sean was his hero because he didn't give him any owies. I told him that the dentist doesn't give you owies. Lucas's response was, "Oh, well he still my hero."
I love this dentist he was so awesome and so friendly and I would recommend him to anyone. He is cute too! :) He also made sure to tell me at least 2x that my children are beautiful, and that is always nice to hear! :) I especially liked that he told Lucas that he was such a good brusher that he couldn't tell what he had for breakfast. When I was little my Dentist would always guess, so I thought is was especially cool. Haha

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Silly Wabbit

The other day I was really bored and noticed that Bridget's hair had perfect layers. I thought, I wonder if I could curl it? So I put her on the counter in the downstairs bathroom because I didn't want all of the commotion and I curled Bridgey's hair. She was so good, and insisted on brushing her teeth. (my kids are obsessed with teeth brushing) I think it turned out so cute. I obviously am not going to do it all of the time but it was cute for a change. What do you think?Today Nathan worked from home, I had an appointment, it had snowed yesterday and after yesterdays craziness I asked him to stay at home for the day. He did and while he was on a conference call I came up to my room and heard my kids interacting with the television. They aren't allowed to watch that much during the day but today was an exception. This is what I found...I love that they are such good little friends and like to be together. I also love how Bridget thinks she is just as big as Lucas and tries to do everything he does. That was the day, boring. uneventful.but mine!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Quirks Tag

For Chrystal

1. I am really crazy about toilet paper, tissue and any sort of paper product that goes in the bathroom. They need to be a certain way or I get really upset. When I go to people's houses I will switch their toilet paper/paper towels to go the correct way...scratch way.

2. I love to talk on the phone. A lot of my day is on the phone, I get so much done when I am on the phone. I somehow manage to parent, play, wash things and get ready all while I am on the phone, so it really irritates me when people tell me that they called me and I didn't answer because there is no possible way I didn't get to it in time. BUT If I have people over... I WILL NOT answer the phone. Crazy huh? If the number is private, unknown or I don't recognize it I won't answer it either. If it is an 800, 866 or random area code I won't answer it either which brings me to number 3.

3. If I don't know you are coming to my house I will not answer the door. People all of the time come to my door and I will not answer it, unless I can see it is a mail/delivery person. I can't stand when people ring the doorbell. If people ring it I purposely will take a long time to get to it, or I just won't answer it at all. If you are coming to someones house during the day it means one of 2 things,
number 1-a stay at home mom with small children
or number 2-someone is home sick from work or sick in general
Why would you ring a doorbell and disturb someone especially if you don't call first and find out if they are home and ready to answer the door?
I am a single mom during the day and that front door is the only thing protecting me and my kids during the day. i am especially weird about this even if it is my Bishop I will not answer it unless I know that they are coming first. There are so many what ifs I don't even need to get into them!

4. I am a very scheduled person. My kids eat, nap and go to bed at the same time every night. They have structured play time and scheduled television time and it is what helps me get through the day. We have one day a week that is our free day, which means we run errands, don't have a set schedule because everything happens on this day. This day is Thursday. It is a day for the kids to play with the other kids and my day to be with other moms. I love this day because it is also a day where I don't do any chores. My entire day is devoted to the kids except from 12-2:30. :) My kids thrive on a schedule, always have and hopefully always will. I am lucky because my husband is just as scheduled and structured as I am. Of course there are days where we shift things, and when we have family in town we bend it a little but my kids seem to not have a problem with weird days. They just go with the flow and are happy to do so. Yea us! :)

5. I love to start new projects. I like to have several options when I have my "me" time everyday. I usually have 6 or 7 projects going at once because some days I am just not feelin' a particular one. I am the same way with books right now. I am currently reading 5 books. I typically read 7 a month so that just shows you how I am with projects. AAH! My husband hates that I have so many things going at once but I need that many to keep me interesting! :) It is always nice too because I will finish them all right around the same time so I can learn and conquer something new rather quickly. I am into felt finger puppets right now. Chrystal has now intrigued me into this felt food thing. AAH!

6. I don't like to eat out. Well let me rephrase, I don't like to take my kids out to eat. It isn't a behavior thing it is more of a "I stay at home so we should eat at home" kind of thing. My kids are pretty good when we go out but I feel like eating at a restaurant should be a treat not a habit. I know several people who eat out almost 3-4 times a week! That is crazy to me! I enjoy cooking, I am fairly good at it and so I insist we eat at home. Plus if we are going to go out I'd rather it be with just me and Nathan anyway, when do we get a meal where we don't have to cut it into several pieces first or even blow on it? Only when we go on a date! I love being with just him at a sit down restaurant there is something so nice about it. Gosh I can't wait for our anniversary! :) HAHA

I tag Danielle, and who ever else wants to do this...most of you already know this crap about me so it isn't that exciting!

Friday, January 23, 2009

4 8 15 16 23 42-LOST yet?

Only those who watch Lost will get the numbers of this post but it somehow describes my week! With or without the numbers! :)

4 band aids
Bridget cut her foot on broken glass last night and Lucas found the band aids this morning. He insisted that Spiderman bandaids were so cool that he needed 4 of them...on his face! (fun)

8 loads of laundry
Some reason, I forgot to do laundry this week and it has definatley caught up to me. (AAH)

15 chicken nuggets
This is how many Bridget ate for lunch on Wednesday. Seriously, I counted and poor Lucas only got one. I asked her where they went and she pointed to her mouth! She must get that from Auntie Stef and her obsession with McD's nuggets! (crazy)

16 scraps
I found Lucas under the art table cutting papers, when I say papers I mean the Verizon bill that I tore my entire house apart looking for. He looked at me and said I was cutting for my project. Like I am supposed to forgive him because he is doing it alone for something specific. (grr)

23 cookies
I seperated out several batches of cookies on Monday and somehow I ended up with 23 in each dozen. I couldn't figure it out because I counted out 6 plates with 24 each then I turned around and saw this....LUCAS (click on it) Dang him! He must be 2! (punk)

42 days left of this pregnacy
well a little over 42 days! :)

I can't believe it. It makes me sad and excited all at the same time. I am finally enjoying my kids this crazy week included and it makes me a little nervous to add a newborn to the mix. (aww)

LOST PEOPLE!?!?! that is what happened to my week. With the warm weather and the several trips to the park, random grocery shopping, hosting lunch on Thursday, cold weather on FRIDAY, I seem to have lost this week completley. What happened? Oh well, there is another cool episode this coming Wednesday. and hopefully I will catch up on housework! Sounds like Nathan's going to be busy this weekend :)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Tax Return

Because my house smells like sweet treats and because its tax time we really have been thinking about what we were going to do with our tax return this year. Jokingly we talked about a large purchase...

What do you think, will it fit in my kitchen? Will Lucas want it when he's 16? These are questions we are asking ourselves...

Friday, January 16, 2009


That was the high temperature today in our area. IN JANUARY! I actually took the kids to the park it was so beautiful. We walked to the park in my subdivision that they just refurbished and we LOVE LOVE LOVE this park now! It has no wood chips, several swings and a HUGE grassy area for Lucas to roll down the hill and play soccer on, including a little pavilion area that would be nice for lunch. I especially like that it is in an area that has no traffic from the school and it has that recycled rubber flooring that is a bit bouncy. Bridget had the most fun, there were some neighborhood girls there oohing and aahing over her and taking her up and down the slide. Lucas loved the freedom of running wherever he wanted.
I think we will go again tomorrow with Nathan because it is supposed to be warm again. I hope it is nice on Monday too, maybe I will steal Robert from Lisa so the boys can play! :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Amen Sista Friend

Click on the picture on read this article from the Washington Post. I got this from Melanie's Blog and you know what this writer knows what she is talking about! :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I have a love/hate relationship with my kitchen right now. I have been baking non stop for about 6 weeks and this all started after Thanksgiving. Part of it is Christmas baking, you know the kind of things you can't live without like fudge, Snickerdoodles, Sugar Cookies and such--but because I am in my last trimester I can't help myself from baking EVERYDAY. The good thing about this is that at my doctor appointment yesterday I had lost another 8 pounds, my average weight loss per pregnancy is 22-26 pounds. (more on this later) Which means that this baking frenzy has not effected my waistline, but it means that I am not spending as much time with my children because I am always freakishliy in the kitchen! AAH! I can't help it. I will be playing with them and thinking about another thing I want to make, or should give to someone or I am in the mood for muffins so in one week I have made 7 different kinds, I am serious I have done this, this week already and it is Wednesday!

I need to just step back and let it go but the funny thing is about all of this is that I never eat what I make, I give it all away because I can't eat too many sweet things while I am pregnant because of the heartburn factor. So, I have counters full of treats and no one in my house to eat them, so I have been sending them to work with Nathan. Yesterday I took a bunch of sweets...almost all of them to the Elementary School down the street because they were having a bake sale. I need help. I am admitting this outloud because someone out there can help me I just know it.

My poor kids only get to see my backside because I have been in the kitchen so much lately that I am not taking time for them! I am horrible. It doesn't help that Nathan is STILL in New York and I have nothing else to do because it is winter time!

Okay I am done with that random rant. My appointment went so well yesterday. My new doctor called me a pro at birthing babies and even read me a little snippet of Bridget's birth that was written up by my old doctor and we had a good laugh about it. She told me I can have my baby whenever I want and that she isn't worried about me in the least bit. She also said that she hopes she witnesses this birth since I have my babies so quickly. Haha

I am grateful to Lisa who watched my kids while I went to the Hospital to see the doctor. I am more gratefult that she fed them lunch because they both passed out on the 3.2 minute drive back to my house!

Monday, January 12, 2009


haha, not really Nathan is in New York so this post is a little insight to our day without him.

The first business trip of the year and so far so good. Lucas basically played basketball all day and poor Bridget kept falling asleep in random places. In fact this is how I found her this morning...We had such a chill day considering it snowed and I had a lot planned but decided to make it a jammie-movie-cookie day. I know shocker...another round of cookies! Today I made Peanut Butter Choco Chunk cookies, they were really good. Lucas doesn't appreciate the songs in Anastasia and that made me upset since I had them turned up full blast so I could sing to them. I had a good 8 hour day with Dani and for some reason my house stayed super clean. Weird how much of a mess Nathan makes when he's here! HAHA Just Kidding, Lucas begged me for a hair cut which I couldn't resist, the poor kid will never know what its like to have long hair but oh well, I still cut it.

Tomorrow I have my first appointment with the new doctor who...I have yet to meet. We had to switch providers in January and I am skeptical that any doctor other than Anita Pierce will listen to my pregnant demands but who knows we will see. I am most excited to hear my enducement date...wish me luck!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A day like any other


we were in HYPER nesting/productive mode. One thing that is great about my husband is that when I am supposed to be "nesting" he always out does me! I had a list of things I wanted to do today and we accomplished all of them before 9:30 am! Here is a random break we took with Bridget....(look at those piggies)

I am trying to get more videos of her because she loves to watch the ones of Lucas when he was one so here is my lame attempt today. :)

Since we had everything done that I had planned on doing I decided to add to the list. I am a FREAK about clutter anyway but for some reason when I am pregnant I am in pitch-it mode. If I haven't used it in 3 months it's gone. I also like to reorganize when I am pregnant, and any type of organization is up for Nathan so we reorganized the LazyDaisy and cleaned it out. (when I say we I mean he) The kids played with the fondue set while Nathan was busy in the baking corner of the kitchen. You will see that the counters are full of my #10 cans and my baking supplies, this is where they go and there is a lot! Doesn't Nathan look so into it...its because he WAS!
Then I made enchiladas for dinner and the kids ate so well that Nathan took us out for Blizzards. I love that my kids are wearing winter hats but no socks or shoes. Gotta love that warm Colorado January night weather! HAHAHA
We were very productive and I love that and I hope everyone else had a great day. Here is another random video for my sister and my father and GiGi if she can see it.

Friday, January 9, 2009


I am 31 weeks pregnant.
I am having a girl.
In my ward at church there are 6 other ladies due in March.
They are all having girls.
I have 4 other friends due in March.
They too are having girls.
Stay with me - that is 11 baby girls coming in March.

I am getting ready for my appointment and see on GMA this story...

The ABC news anchor is due in March with a girl, the dispatch is due in March with a girl and the chick that delivered in her bathroom was due in March with a girl!

Umm, not only was June a busy month but apparently it was time for the world to have more girls! HAHAHA

**on a side note I have several friends due in July and want boys so we will see what happens. **

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


It is weird to think that I would actually blog about this, but for people like my parents who make fun of me about what gets blogged and what doesn't (like the 15 items or less incident) but I felt like I should blog about this.

Bridget finally has long enough hair to put all the way up! She sits and laughs while I do her hair and it is just so cute. She loves to have her hair brushed by me or Nathan and anything that looks like a comb or a brush she will use on her hair, like a barbie comb or whatever. When I am done she will admire it in the mirror like look at me, I'm so pretty. I love it.
Here she is this morning. I was just playing and that is why nothing matches her outfit, but I ended up leaving it because she liked it so much. I used to not like the idea of having to do all of this girlie stuff but how can I not when she is just so patient and calm while I am doing it. :)
There is one thing I will never give in on and that is Make Up so Bridgey...
enjoy the hair - doing while it lasts! :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009


I would like to report that my Valiant 10 class went so well that I am pinching myself because I can't believe it! I had a class full of raised hands and kids eager to read and most of all good behavior! I loved my little CTR-5's but Valiant 10 seems pretty awesome so far! :)

I asked Lucas on the way to church if he wanted a brother and he said "No." I said you don't? He said "no, just have Robert share my room with me." I said to him, but Robert's mommy and sister and brother would miss him if he moved to your room. He said "I let them come visit" I told him that Robert can come visit us anytime but he has to stay at his house. Now do you want a brother Lucas? "No! One and two sisters is nuff." I asked him if he was sure and he said "Noah can be brother." I left it at that because he was starting to get annoyed. Hahaha

I would also like to add that our 1:30pm schedule was not as bad as I thought it would be. We fed the kids at 10:30 put them down for nap at 11 woke them up at 12:45 and gave them a snack on the way to church. Sacrament being first again was a little weird, Lucas kept asking me when it was time to go to class, but other than that it was nice. I liked coming home and eating dinner at 5:30 and getting into our night routine without the huge gap that 9:00am church gives you.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Wahoo! A decision has been made about what we are going to do with Lucas's new room. We had a few options and after weeks and weeks of deliberation his new room will be Firetruck themed. He already has a big boy bed and Bridget and him will share his room till July when he turns 3 and baby #3 sleeps better at night. (hopefully)

He is obsessed with Fireman Sam and anything Fireman, Fire Truck, Fire Station, etc. We found some toys in the basement that he now is so excited to play with. He is constantly asking us if our house is safe, like if the alarms work, if we have water for smoke and fires and he has a "Safety Saying" before we leave the house. It is so cute and so fitting for his new room. It's sorta cool to see that he likes something so much.

Here he is our little firefighter....
which of course means Bridgey has to be one too...
If anyone has or sees anything cute that is Firetruck/man related please pass it my way. We already ordered the bedding so wish us luck on the rest! :) I am a little sad to say that his sheep room is going to be painted over but its time to do something new he isn't a baby anymore after all! :)

Friday, January 2, 2009


Aahh, the days when Lucas used to call them that. Now he is into what is their name? Oh and that dinosaur doesn't eat people it eats dinner. :) Today we went to the Nature and Science Museum with Ryan and Veronica and the boys to go see the Dinos before they leave Colorado on the 4th. Here are a few pictures...The exhibit wouldn't let you take pictures till the end but the kids liked digging into the pits to find fossils and other cool things like the knee pads Lucas insisted on using while digging. On your way out you could make plaster molds of dinosaur teeth and Lucas just walked right up and sat down and told us he wanted to "cook" so he got to mix and make a fossil. He thought that was pretty cool.
We ate lunch and went to the discovery zone, which Elijah and Bridget really liked. I am going to also add that Nathan the 30 year old really liked this part too! :)We also saw the normal Dinosaur Exhibit and the Space Exhibit and at the end we watched a Brain dissection, where the demonstrator flung actual brain parts on the front row...luckily we were in the way back and were able to go play with the kids stuff first, you know me I had to try on the Toddler Body Parts Smock...ooh aah...It was a fun day and afterwards we got to go peek at Nathan's new office. I can't wait to see it when it's all done!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Day Off

With nothing to do? Have no fear Nathan Witte will find something random to fill your day! :) When Nathan's grandparents were in town on Sunday they handed out gift cards to Bass Pro Shop to the boys. There is one by our house but I never thought in a million years Nathan would want all of us to go with him. He has been trying and trying to get me to go but I just never saw the point.

With it being New Year's I shrugged my shoulders and said okay, and Nathan practically skipped through the house getting the kids ready. I had to shower and when I got out the kids were dressed and ready to go. Hahaha.

We got there and Lucas said to me "Mommy I'm in the nature!" "Look at these amm-mi-mals" So we walked around the store and let the kids walk around and discover all that there was to discover at Bass Pro Shop (which is just like Cabellas) and I have never seen my kids so excited to be in a store. Nathan was happy because the kids wanted to hang out in the tents and play so he could look at more camping stuff. (sarcastic yea)Bridget wanted to pet all of the animals and then we found the ATV's lets just say we spent a good 20 minutes climbing and playing on all of them. :) This last picture was taken on Nathan's phone, that is why it is crappy, but you get the point, they had a great time and it was a fun way to spend New Years together!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.