Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Its a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood....

....would you be my neighbor? Hahaha Oh Mister Rodgers.... Anyway. It was a beautiful 67 degree Colorado day today. For February that is awesome. We walked to the neighborhood park and played for 2 hours. It was really nice. Lucas had the pleasure of doing what most boys like to do which is pee on a tree. We haven't really started potty-training but he will tell me when he has to go, and today it happened to be at the park. He wouldn't go in his diaper so we went in a tree which was "oooh" in his words. Forget the shower of urine that I got, at least he went right? Here are some pictures...
He has some intense eyebrows! She was mad that I caught her trying to wiggle out of the carseat.
He was so determined to do it all himself, remind you of anyone?

Confused and Worried all with one eyebrow! Playing with Ali in the rocks, they are buds.

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About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.