Sunday, August 3, 2008

1930's Wife

I had a really hard day at church today with my calling and we ended up leaving early because of it. I read an article out of the Ensign and then read a book for a bit. (I finished Breaking Dawn) anyway. I was thinking to myself...was that selfish? I left the kids with Nathan to take care of upstairs and banished myself to the basement. I stumbled upon this quiz to see how I am doing as a wife and mother and apparently I am just as I thought I would be...


As a 1930s wife, I am
Very Superior

Take the test!

...Very Superior! So I patted myself on the back and then continued to be by myself...till I went upstairs to Nathan making scones with the kids. Isn't he awesome? I guess I trained him well! :) Hahaha Everyone should take this test. It is so revealing!

(I am totally kidding about me thinking I am a superior wife...sometimes I think I could be better, sometimes I think I couldn't get any worse! Until Nathan starts complaining I am just going to "keep on swimming, keep on swimming"....)

But seriously, anyone who can make this kid happy deserves a superior wife!
This is Lucas after one scone!


Laura said...

You should have called me. Better yet we should just move to a new ward together. Then we could be in our own little happy world and not have to worry about anyone else. Ha Ha. Anyway...I'm definately taking that quiz. I'll probably be scared of the results.

Emily S. said...

i'm sorry church was rough for you... I am struggling a bit with my calling, too-- ready for a change. :(

Auntie V said...

There is a house for sale down the street from me, as always. 1st Ward is wonderful.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.