Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I am smart! SMR-T

Gotta love the Simpsons! This post is not about the Simpons, but wouldn't it be great if it were?

Anyway. This is what it really is about...

Lucas says to me while we were at Sam's Club "Mommy that has to S's."
I look over and Sam's does have two S's.
He says to me "Dowas (Lucas) has S too."
I said "Yes LUCAS has an S in it too."

I didn't really think about it again until I put this yellow box into my cart and he says...

"C-H-E-E-R-I-O-S, that has S too."
I said "Wow Lucas you spelled Cheerios, you are such a smart boy"
He said "I know I learned da ABC's, I danno (don't) some but I know lots"
I laughed and he said "No laugh its ruuuude Mommy"

So then we came home and reviewed the abc's just for fun and he knew 20 of the 26 letters! I was so impressed! I was dialing Grandpa Horn on the phone to tell him how smart Lucas was and then he started signing "Wow you're really smart" from Blue's Clues.

I was about to give him a lollipop for a treat but then I realized the only kind I had were DumDums.

I am going to go pick up some Smarties this afternoon because my son is no DumDum!

We found this video and thought it was appropriate for this specific post...enjoy!

I am so proud of my little bash brother who suprisingly know most of his ABC's at 2! I haven't really gone over them with him because he is so into the numbers! He can count to 20 backwards and forwards, how's that for impressive! Well the letter thing is too but...



Jami said...

Well look who made these smarty pants babies! What did you expect? :) (They're oh-so-cute, too!)

ngie BBC said...

It is so weird how just a few months ago you were worried that you weren't doing enough with your kids and now look at them. Next week Bridget will be singing opera!

I am guessing the kids got the smart gene from you, although Nathan is really smart too. Its a toss up, they must have received equal smartness from each of you!

I heard about your appointment on Tuesday, Hahaha I wonder if the kids get the height from Nathan HAHAHAHAHA

Trish BBC said...

Good for you for being impressed. Some parents forget to reward awesome things, so our children never try as a result. Hopefully Lucas in the future will be as into learning as he seems to be now!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.