Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Birth Story

Okay-so we had her pictures taken yesterday after she opened all of her presents, which I am glad for because my parents bought her some pretty cute clothes! :)

She was a super sport through them, and we even managed to get a hilarious picture of Lucas and Bridget that we are going to be sending in our Christmas cards this year! :)

These are only a few of the ones that we bought, because out of the 90 pictures that they took only 6 of them were bad ones! :) They used all of the ones in the solid pink dress for a training that they are having next week! All of the photographers were oohing and awwing at our kids and I have to say that I loved every minute of it! :)

Not to mention Bridget who just happened to flirt with the male photographer at the end and where we got Nathan's favorite picture of her (see below)

Okay so the birth story for those who care: I went in at 6:30
but wasn't supposed to be there till 9:30...oops! :) My doctor wasn't supposed to be there but she had an emergency C-Section and stopped in our room before the C-Section-she asked if I would wait till she was done before they started to enduce me and I said fine, so they gave me cervidil and I waited my 4 hour wait to start labor.
At 3ish they started round 2 of the cervidil, because I was at a 4 and progressing nicely without pictocin, and wasn't in any pain. We watched some movies, talked to family and then at 8:30pm I was at a 6, Dr. Kim (the best Kaiser doctor ever) broke my water and said I could have an epidural. The anestheseiologist came in tried 4 times to get that sucker of an epidural in and then he left. I told Nathan I couldn't feel anything because the epidural was not in my system yet and then all of a sudden I yelled to Nathan (at 9:07) Umm, She is coming, Nathan laughed and said yeah right, looked down and could see her head, Nathan ran to the door to get the doctors to come to our room and the Docotors yelling down the hall, "We know, we are coming!" Nathan runs to my rescue and Bridget is almost all the way out. (I had not even started pushing yet) The doctor said "DON'T PUSH" I said "I'm not" I was crying because I couldn't hold her in and his gloves weren't even on yet! Nathan almost had to catch Bridget bare handed! She was out in 30 seconds! The only thing I had to push ot was the placenta! Hahaha Bridget was born at 9:14pm! Like always she had to do it herself! :) **Note to everyone this was my second delivery without pain meds because the kids came out too fast!**

Here are a few more, go on them!


Jen said...

What great pictures! I love them all!

Chaney said...

She's adorable! Where did you get the pictures taken? They did a great job.

Jen said...

Sorry...both times I left comments I meant to wish Bridget a very Happy Birthday!!! So super sorry it is late.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.