Friday, November 7, 2008

Girlfriend... ONE! (well tomorrow) We call Bridget girlfriend when she is in trouble. It has been a fun year, and here are the pictures to prove it! :
Last day in Maternity clothes, yes I am crying in this picture. (looooong story)
One day old, I thought she looked like a boy so I put a headband on her and the nurses made fun of me because they all thought she was so beautiful and not boy looking.
Lucas's first look at "The Bridge"
One month old, my kids always blow up at 1 month, she is FREAKING huge!
2 months, her first peeky smile, not a real one yet though...see she is huge!
3 months, and the big smile, she hasn't stopped smiling since! :)
6 months and crawling
7 months
9 months
10 months and walking!

*All about Bridget*
Name* Bridget Louise Witte
Birth date* November 8, 2007
Weight at birth* 7lbs. 9oz.
Height at birth* 21 1/2 inches
Age* 1 year 26.3 pounds, 33.2 inches
Eye color* Brown
Hair color* Brown
Foods she likes* Everything, especially sandwich meat. This girl is a human garbage can, no joke, there is nothing she won't try! If you put veggies and fruit on her plate, she will eat the veggies first, just like her brother.
Least favorite foods* Olives
Favorite dessert* Mommy's cookies
My favorite picture of her..about 5 months
Favorite toys* Thomas the train, the baby swing in the basement, and Lucas's bed...which is almost hers! She also loves Little People. She has just started liking baby dolls.
What she's good at* Getting Lucas in trouble, running down the hall to catch Lucas, and melting Daddy's heart!
Favorite activities* Dancing, and watching Toy Story with Lucas. She also likes to type on Daddy's computer in the basement when Daddy is at work. She really enjoys receiving phone calls. Another favorite activity is pushing the limits on what she can and can not do, for instance as I am typing this she is trying to skateboard.
Things she's afraid of* Being left out, and being stuck in the closets!

Something Mommy loves about Bridget* When she wakes up in the morning and waits till I come in to get her and as soon as that door opens she is beaming with the hugest smile ever! She is my little cuddler and has such a sweet little personality, with a punkish side!
Something Daddy loves about Bridget* When ever you ask Bridget where Daddy is she laughs and squeals and searches for me. I also love how her smile lights up a room.
Something Lucas loves about Bridget* She distracts others while I get into trouble. She follows me around and keeps me in check when I am being naughty. If I hit her she hits back harder and wait...I don't like that! I like that she will play cars with me.


Jen said...

She is too cute! Wow...already 1 year old...she weighs as much as my 3 year old! Your posts are always so fun to read!

Marci & Jeff said...

Val - she is SO, SO, SO cute! You have adorable children, but then - you're adorable so what can we expect?!?! Hope things are going well - looks like they are. :)

ஐ*¨KRiSta¨*ஐ said...

aw what a sweet post..HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BRIDGET!!! She is a doll.

Jami said...

Oh, yay! Happy Birthday to your little chunk! :) Whatta sweet face she has! Love that smile!

Danielle Smith said...

I love Bridget! I hardly know her, but I know her through phone. Happy Birthday wee girl!! I am very happy for you all. What a wonderful day! I want cake! I missed talking to you all the day long.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.