Tuesday, November 25, 2008


After a crazy, hellish, and fun first few days here Lucas said to me:

"What is dis mommy?" I said a Palm Tree, these are the trees that grow here in Florida. He says "They are spiky and so sharp mommy" I said yes, not like the trees in Colorado. He replied "Not crunchy? That is so sad, I'n gonna tell Robert 'bout dis!"

I laughed and laughed. Robert is one of Lucas's friends at church, and I think it is funny that he felt he needed to report this leaf problem to his friend. Haha

One more cute little quote/story: When we were flying over the Atlantic Ocean Lucas shouts "Pirate Ships Daddy!" "Not the piggy kind!" He loves the Dora Pirate game on NickJr.com. Haha

Tomorrow everyone is getting together and I will have lots of pictures from that. So far this has been a pretty good trip! :)

1 comment:

Danielle Smith said...

Oh how I miss you my darling! I long for the day when I can hear your sweet voice again! Wo is me! I shan't have phone entertainment for days to come! PS-Did you see the Hills?! Oh my gosh!! We must discuss this!!!!
pps-aww! my code is plases, which is like places, and you and I are in very different places! Awww! Whoa! I accidentally just typed the A-word!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.