Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Self Image

I laugh at people who tell me my kids don't look alike, I laugh when people tell me that Bridget has a cleft chin and Lucas doesn't (they both do). I laugh when Lucas tells me that he wants to be Brown like Bridget so he can be a Horn like Grandpa, but I do not laugh when Lucas sees someone on the television and he says "That's Lucas, Mommy!" No, at least he is getting it right, because of the hair color but I am starting to notice something. Lucas thinks he is UGLY! Is self image taught or learned?
Shaun White, ugly gold medalist in winter and summer games.
Pau Gasol ugliest Laker of all time (#16) Just this past Saturday he was saying during a free throw "Make the basket Lucas!"
Chuckie Finster an ugly toddler on the old Nickelodeon cartoon Rugrats.
Archie, a not so handsome Teenager who goes to the High school my father went to (really its true!), we see him at the grocery store in line.
TinTin, an ugly weird haired guy on the Cartoon Network.
Even Bridget has started, this is her favorite Little People, if I ask her whereLucas is she hold up this dude:
I am sorry if I have offended anyone but this boy is not ugly, he may have crazy orange hair but I think he is pretty darn cute, and you know what - that isn't just a mother's opinion! :)
This comparasion must have started a few years ago when Lucas was an infant, I remember flipping channels with Ali and Ethan one time and Ali said "Look Val, Nathan's on TV!" I went back and saw:

Bradley Whitford. I think he is so handome...for a red head! :) I thought to myself, I guess they really do look alike! So if Nathan looks like Bradley Whitford from West Wing, and Nathan looks like Lucas:Then what does that mean? I totally lost my train of thought! HAHA

Next on my list is to teach Lucas that Bridget isn't brown, and that no matter what we are all alike and we are all different.
Does anyone remember this book?


McMeegan and Thayngler said...

I think that Lucas is super cute! Maybe he doesn't think he is ugly, all of those people he is pointing out do have red hair, so maybe that is his comparison?

Jami said...

I think Lucas is such a cutie, too! His little personality just shines through, even in pics. I agree with the previous commenter - I don't think he has the capability of thinking anyone's ugly at this stage in life. I think you're on the right track, though, teaching of differences and how that's what makes us great! :)You're a good mom!

Danielle Smith said...

Lucas justs needs to watch more adult shows. There are plenty of hot redheads out there!! Like David Caruso(Horatio Cane)!! Shazam!!

Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

Dwe gross, Why would I let him watch the #1 worst actor on MSN's list? That was just an ugly comment Danielle! And to think you have reds too!

*jess* said...

i really think it's the red hair...what a cutie he is! such a personality too! :)

Auntie V said...

He doesn't think he is ugly, he thinks he is tall. Look at the evidence. Okay, maybe the Little People toy is not that tall, but is it tall in relation to the other Little People? Yeah, I think so.

Auntie V said...

Oh yeah, and Nathan does totally look like Bradley Whitford, except younger. He even can do that eyebrow thing.

Chaney said...

You have a very handsome, beautiful little boy. I don't think he thinks he's ugly. It probably is the hair thing. I want a red headed baby! I had hopes for Phillip, but alas it's just blonde (which of course is cute, but red would have been fun).

Jen said...

Lucas is such a cutie...he doesn't think that he is ugly, hopefully he has no idea what it means, right!!! PLus, I have a redhead of my own (hubby) and he is smokin' hot!!!

Laura said...

How sad:( Lucas is a stud. He's the best lookin' orange haired kid I've ever seen. Actually...he is just plain one of the most handsome little guys period! How could any of your kids ever question that? They come from one good lookin' momma!

Uncle Little Red said...

There are two types of red heads in the world. Hot and not. That is it. There is no average red head. They are good looking or ugly. Lucas falls into the good category, he is very handsome and will be forever. Nathan, he is another story.

Ryan (Nathan's good lookin' red headed brother)

Cousin Noah said...

I think that the Flying Tomato looks like Spider Man, he also agrees that Nathan looks like Bradley Witford, with more chest hair. (you put the picture up?!?)

Caleb and Kamila said...

Hey Valerie! its caleb!

Courtney said...

I was just thinking today when I was at your house, what a handsome little man you have!! I think Lucas is adorable!!!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.