Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Third Folder

Picture Tag? Third folder, third picture. Yada Yada Yada. This is a picture of Nathan and I at Universal, in December 2004, two months before we were married. I laugh because even then we matched clothes! Hahahaha

I couldn't resist, doing third folder, third picture of Lucas's folder and Bridget's folder so you will just have to suffer with more than one picture this post! :)

Here ya go! This is Nathan's favorite picture because I MADE Lucas sit in the Bumbo even though he was too little for it. He was so fat that he would just sit and roll around in it! The video is really funny. This is October 2006, Lucas at 3 months!

This is Bridget at 3 months, so this puts it at February 2008. We went for a walk because it was 55 and so beautiful, I think I blogged about it. :) She is so chubby too! Man, my kids are so big! :)

Well, anyone else can do this, it's fun. Have a good Wednesday!


Danielle Smith said...

Looks like you filled Bridget with so much joy that she is about to explode!! Aren't you glad she's not Hef's Bridget? Then you would have some real mother-daughter issues...

Danielle Smith said...

PS-Holly's parents should be glad that she's not Hef's Holly. Although Hef and Dylan are a lot alike...

Auntie V said...

Of course you and Nathan match. You threw out all his ugly clothes and bought him new ones remember? The t-shirts from high school with various clubs on them, the old old shorts that he wore in the snow....


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.