Friday, January 23, 2009

4 8 15 16 23 42-LOST yet?

Only those who watch Lost will get the numbers of this post but it somehow describes my week! With or without the numbers! :)

4 band aids
Bridget cut her foot on broken glass last night and Lucas found the band aids this morning. He insisted that Spiderman bandaids were so cool that he needed 4 of them...on his face! (fun)

8 loads of laundry
Some reason, I forgot to do laundry this week and it has definatley caught up to me. (AAH)

15 chicken nuggets
This is how many Bridget ate for lunch on Wednesday. Seriously, I counted and poor Lucas only got one. I asked her where they went and she pointed to her mouth! She must get that from Auntie Stef and her obsession with McD's nuggets! (crazy)

16 scraps
I found Lucas under the art table cutting papers, when I say papers I mean the Verizon bill that I tore my entire house apart looking for. He looked at me and said I was cutting for my project. Like I am supposed to forgive him because he is doing it alone for something specific. (grr)

23 cookies
I seperated out several batches of cookies on Monday and somehow I ended up with 23 in each dozen. I couldn't figure it out because I counted out 6 plates with 24 each then I turned around and saw this....LUCAS (click on it) Dang him! He must be 2! (punk)

42 days left of this pregnacy
well a little over 42 days! :)

I can't believe it. It makes me sad and excited all at the same time. I am finally enjoying my kids this crazy week included and it makes me a little nervous to add a newborn to the mix. (aww)

LOST PEOPLE!?!?! that is what happened to my week. With the warm weather and the several trips to the park, random grocery shopping, hosting lunch on Thursday, cold weather on FRIDAY, I seem to have lost this week completley. What happened? Oh well, there is another cool episode this coming Wednesday. and hopefully I will catch up on housework! Sounds like Nathan's going to be busy this weekend :)


The Halls said...

You watch Lost! What did you think of the season premier?

Veronica said...

I wish my laundry room looked like that, don't you.

Angie BBC said...

You crack me up, where do you come up with this stuff? I wish I could just spend the day with you! LOL

Chaney said...

You'll be ok adding a newborn...Once you hit three you can handle ANYTHING!!! I freaked out adding Phillip to the mix, and I wasn't alone with the 3 of them until after he was 3 weeks old because I was scared. But I figured it out really quick and the older kids were BIG helpers!

Emily S. said...

that's a cute, clever lil numbers post!

And mmm.... chocolate chip cookies!


Trista Hibberd said...

That was a fun post... Who says those numbers have to be bad luck! YEAH for LOST!!!! Loved the premier, but now I have even more questions!

Jami said...

You're a super women, I have no doubt you'll be just fine with 3 kids. And, either I missed it or you never mentioned it... when is the big day?? (I guess I could do the math... is it March 6th??)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.