Thursday, January 15, 2009

Amen Sista Friend

Click on the picture on read this article from the Washington Post. I got this from Melanie's Blog and you know what this writer knows what she is talking about! :)


The Halls said...

LoL I love it! It's funny how a day can pass and although you've done a lot during that time, it doesn't always sound like a lot until you list it out as above.

The Cleverley's said...

Holy cow. I want to smack people upside the head that think we moms sit around "enjoying" our lives at home. This mommy thing is much HARDER than any job I have ever had. And I have had some pretty stressful jobs. Thanks for sharing the article I LOVE it.

Jen said...

That is one AWESOME article!!! So true...

Jami said...

I so agree with "Ryan and Chrystal"! My husband, even now, thinks I do nothing all day now that both my kids are in school. Wrong! I just have a less chaotic time doing it all... AFTER I get my kids up, dressed, fed, organized and off to school. Not to mention making sure snack money's paid, lunches are made, library books are remembered, etc. And that's just before 8:40am! lol I love being a mom!

Laura said...

LOVE IT! I might steal it for my blog. I think this is an article meant to be shared!

The Rogers said...

AGREE!!! Thats the only way to explain parenthood, people who think wedo nothing are SO foolish. Mike spent one half a day with just Emily when she was a baby and when I came home told me I was amazing cause he would rather be at work, and that was one kid not multiple and not doing the regular day to day stuff. Stealing this when I finally update my blog

Chaney said...

THANK YOU for sharing! What the person asking the question doesn't realize is that yes, she does her grocery shopping, library etc. But it is WAY different when you have kids tagging's amazing what makes it into the cart that I've never touched; or the dozen eggs that somehow fall from the basket to the floor. (that's very embarassing by the way!)

Jeanette said...

It's SO true! I stole it and put it on my blog too! (Did Nathan give you the thank-you card?)

Veronica said...

Such truth! I went to dinner with Katina and Ann Marie and got there 20 minutes early because I forgot it takes me that much less time to get out the door without the munchkins.

MJ said...

Hilarious, and SO TRUE!

Anonymous said...

How r u? your website is nice
Have a look at this funny emo song:


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.