Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I have a love/hate relationship with my kitchen right now. I have been baking non stop for about 6 weeks and this all started after Thanksgiving. Part of it is Christmas baking, you know the kind of things you can't live without like fudge, Snickerdoodles, Sugar Cookies and such--but because I am in my last trimester I can't help myself from baking EVERYDAY. The good thing about this is that at my doctor appointment yesterday I had lost another 8 pounds, my average weight loss per pregnancy is 22-26 pounds. (more on this later) Which means that this baking frenzy has not effected my waistline, but it means that I am not spending as much time with my children because I am always freakishliy in the kitchen! AAH! I can't help it. I will be playing with them and thinking about another thing I want to make, or should give to someone or I am in the mood for muffins so in one week I have made 7 different kinds, I am serious I have done this, this week already and it is Wednesday!

I need to just step back and let it go but the funny thing is about all of this is that I never eat what I make, I give it all away because I can't eat too many sweet things while I am pregnant because of the heartburn factor. So, I have counters full of treats and no one in my house to eat them, so I have been sending them to work with Nathan. Yesterday I took a bunch of sweets...almost all of them to the Elementary School down the street because they were having a bake sale. I need help. I am admitting this outloud because someone out there can help me I just know it.

My poor kids only get to see my backside because I have been in the kitchen so much lately that I am not taking time for them! I am horrible. It doesn't help that Nathan is STILL in New York and I have nothing else to do because it is winter time!

Okay I am done with that random rant. My appointment went so well yesterday. My new doctor called me a pro at birthing babies and even read me a little snippet of Bridget's birth that was written up by my old doctor and we had a good laugh about it. She told me I can have my baby whenever I want and that she isn't worried about me in the least bit. She also said that she hopes she witnesses this birth since I have my babies so quickly. Haha

I am grateful to Lisa who watched my kids while I went to the Hospital to see the doctor. I am more gratefult that she fed them lunch because they both passed out on the 3.2 minute drive back to my house!


The Cleverley's said...

Don't stop baking!!!! Just drag your little ones into the kitchen with you. My kids LOVE LOVE LOVE to bake. Ellie has been in the kitchen with me since she was a year old. Mostly because she wants to do EVERYTHING Ashley does. Just measure the ingredients and let them pour it into the bowl. Give them each a chance to stir or watch you. They will have good mommy time, and you will still get to bake. (P.S. do your work at the kitchen table or pull up a couple of chairs to the counter) Good luck. Oh yeah and expect a little more mess. Don't worry it's worth it!

Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

I am very particular about baking, it is more therapeutic for me than the result. Like vacuuming, I love to vacuum because my kids are scared of the sound, so they leave me alone. Haha. Maybe what this blog is saying is that I need a break from my kids because the time I am in the kitchen they are doing their own thing. They help sometimes, but not when I am in the zone! :)

Chaney said...

ok, so why do you loose weight during you pregnancys? Shouldn't you be gaining weight?

Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

I don't know, but I always do! :) It's not like I can't stand to lose some! Haha

Jen said...

You are too funny!!! And you lose weight during your not normal :)...lucky girl!!!

Danielle Smith said...

I am really thinking you need to shop some of these goodies to me since I can't seem to even make dinner this week!! Aaaaahhhh!!! PS I love pregnancy weight loss!!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.