Saturday, January 10, 2009

A day like any other


we were in HYPER nesting/productive mode. One thing that is great about my husband is that when I am supposed to be "nesting" he always out does me! I had a list of things I wanted to do today and we accomplished all of them before 9:30 am! Here is a random break we took with Bridget....(look at those piggies)

I am trying to get more videos of her because she loves to watch the ones of Lucas when he was one so here is my lame attempt today. :)

Since we had everything done that I had planned on doing I decided to add to the list. I am a FREAK about clutter anyway but for some reason when I am pregnant I am in pitch-it mode. If I haven't used it in 3 months it's gone. I also like to reorganize when I am pregnant, and any type of organization is up for Nathan so we reorganized the LazyDaisy and cleaned it out. (when I say we I mean he) The kids played with the fondue set while Nathan was busy in the baking corner of the kitchen. You will see that the counters are full of my #10 cans and my baking supplies, this is where they go and there is a lot! Doesn't Nathan look so into it...its because he WAS!
Then I made enchiladas for dinner and the kids ate so well that Nathan took us out for Blizzards. I love that my kids are wearing winter hats but no socks or shoes. Gotta love that warm Colorado January night weather! HAHAHA
We were very productive and I love that and I hope everyone else had a great day. Here is another random video for my sister and my father and GiGi if she can see it.


Laura said...

LOVE the video's!!! Bridget is such a ham, and so so cute. I'm glad you had a productive day. Isn't it great when at lunch time, you feel like you've already completed a whole day's worth of projects? I'm so happy you had a great day!

Chaney said...

Wow, I need you at my house! I only bought a pot rack today...very exciting except I have to wait until the kitchen is remodeled to put it up!

Danielle Smith said...

Let me know when Nathan can come nest at my house. I think you should make a folder called "Nathan's backside."You seem to have so many of those types of photos. Oh, if Nathan cannot come and nest at my house due to his work conflicts, then let him know that you will have to come over to nest here instead.

Jami said...

I can't get over how stinkin' cute your kids are!!! Love it!!

Rachel said...

Sounds like a great day. Holy cow, this baby is getting pretty close. When I get back lets set up a playdate for the kids and maybe I can help you organize? paint the baby's room? let you nap? Either way I want to come and see the new room configurations.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.