Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Day Off

With nothing to do? Have no fear Nathan Witte will find something random to fill your day! :) When Nathan's grandparents were in town on Sunday they handed out gift cards to Bass Pro Shop to the boys. There is one by our house but I never thought in a million years Nathan would want all of us to go with him. He has been trying and trying to get me to go but I just never saw the point.

With it being New Year's I shrugged my shoulders and said okay, and Nathan practically skipped through the house getting the kids ready. I had to shower and when I got out the kids were dressed and ready to go. Hahaha.

We got there and Lucas said to me "Mommy I'm in the nature!" "Look at these amm-mi-mals" So we walked around the store and let the kids walk around and discover all that there was to discover at Bass Pro Shop (which is just like Cabellas) and I have never seen my kids so excited to be in a store. Nathan was happy because the kids wanted to hang out in the tents and play so he could look at more camping stuff. (sarcastic yea)Bridget wanted to pet all of the animals and then we found the ATV's lets just say we spent a good 20 minutes climbing and playing on all of them. :) This last picture was taken on Nathan's phone, that is why it is crappy, but you get the point, they had a great time and it was a fun way to spend New Years together!


Jen said...

This is by far one of our favorite places!

Veronica said...

Oh how I love the picture of Lucas and Bridgie on the ATV!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.