Saturday, January 3, 2009


Wahoo! A decision has been made about what we are going to do with Lucas's new room. We had a few options and after weeks and weeks of deliberation his new room will be Firetruck themed. He already has a big boy bed and Bridget and him will share his room till July when he turns 3 and baby #3 sleeps better at night. (hopefully)

He is obsessed with Fireman Sam and anything Fireman, Fire Truck, Fire Station, etc. We found some toys in the basement that he now is so excited to play with. He is constantly asking us if our house is safe, like if the alarms work, if we have water for smoke and fires and he has a "Safety Saying" before we leave the house. It is so cute and so fitting for his new room. It's sorta cool to see that he likes something so much.

Here he is our little firefighter....
which of course means Bridgey has to be one too...
If anyone has or sees anything cute that is Firetruck/man related please pass it my way. We already ordered the bedding so wish us luck on the rest! :) I am a little sad to say that his sheep room is going to be painted over but its time to do something new he isn't a baby anymore after all! :)


Laura said...

That is so cute! I will be on the lookout for you. P.S. I'm coming to visit you in March (the weekend of the 6th) So...maybe you will have you baby by then? I can't wait!

Cherstin rocks said...

The products on this website changes, so you have to look at this today (Sunday) to see them...Maybe they'll still be there tomorrow morning? But they have firetruck bookends at mamabargains.

*jess* said...

can't wait to see his new big b boy room!!!!!!!!!!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.