Friday, January 16, 2009


That was the high temperature today in our area. IN JANUARY! I actually took the kids to the park it was so beautiful. We walked to the park in my subdivision that they just refurbished and we LOVE LOVE LOVE this park now! It has no wood chips, several swings and a HUGE grassy area for Lucas to roll down the hill and play soccer on, including a little pavilion area that would be nice for lunch. I especially like that it is in an area that has no traffic from the school and it has that recycled rubber flooring that is a bit bouncy. Bridget had the most fun, there were some neighborhood girls there oohing and aahing over her and taking her up and down the slide. Lucas loved the freedom of running wherever he wanted.
I think we will go again tomorrow with Nathan because it is supposed to be warm again. I hope it is nice on Monday too, maybe I will steal Robert from Lisa so the boys can play! :)


Laura said...

Seeing that park makes me a little jealous. It is freezing here today and I miss Denver so much. Good thing there is a visit in my future to look forward to!

Jen said...

Very fun...we did the same thing after school. It was such a nice day! Love it!

The Halls said...

We went to our park too -- super great day for it!

Danielle Smith said...

I want a park! I want warmer weather! I want snowless ground! Love love LOVE the hoodie! Freaking cute on "the Bridge!" We should seriously do a twinners picture sometime!
PS-sorow is the code which is like sorrow, which is what I feel for myself due to the lack of sunshine.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.