Thursday, January 29, 2009


Today Lucas went to the Dentist for the first time. We talked about it all week, and he was generally normal about it as far as caring or understanding what was really going to happen.

Today after he got dressed he was very excited all of a sudden to go to the teeth doctor. The entire way there he was practicing opening wide and showing his good smile to the dentist. When we got there, his eyes opened so wide and said "Mommy my name is on the board" "L for Lucas" I said that is because you get to see the dentist for the first time today! He ripped off his coat and went into the castle. Their waiting room is a castle filled with toys and crazy mirrors and fun stuff to play with.

We waited and when they called his name to go in he picked up 3 trucks and said "I am Lucas, Lucas Witte" That's right people he is no longer "Do-was" We went into a room where he watched a 5 minute video on what to expect and he told me he was very excited to meet the doctor.

We walked into the room where he gets his check up and the assistant was showing Lucas all of the cool tools, she then told Lucas that she was going to get Dr. Sean. Lucas said "Sean a boy?" She said yes, Dr. Sean is a boy and Lucas sat on the "space chair" while he waited for Dr. Sean to come in.

The exam went well, Lucas got a 98% on his brushing and plaque scale. They told me he had great teeth and said they were impressed that he didn't cry. They counted his teeth and showed him a special book of what good teeth should look like. They asked Lucas if they could take his picture because his teeth needed to be in that book. He agreed and so he got his picture taken. They told Lucas that I (mommy) was such a good mommy for helping him brush his teeth that I get a sticker because he had a great score. Lucas told me he was so proud of me. :)

Bridget a.k.a "trouble" felt that she needed her teeth checked too and climbed up on the chair to get her teeth looked at. She opened wide and giggled the whole time. They both got new toothbrushes and a little toy.

On the way home Lucas said that Dr. Sean was his hero because he didn't give him any owies. I told him that the dentist doesn't give you owies. Lucas's response was, "Oh, well he still my hero."
I love this dentist he was so awesome and so friendly and I would recommend him to anyone. He is cute too! :) He also made sure to tell me at least 2x that my children are beautiful, and that is always nice to hear! :) I especially liked that he told Lucas that he was such a good brusher that he couldn't tell what he had for breakfast. When I was little my Dentist would always guess, so I thought is was especially cool. Haha


Brandy Kressel said...

LOL he is cute! I am glad Lucas was good at the Dentist, my 3 year old and 5 year old still are helluns but what can you do? I am however not that impressed that your ocd children had good teeth, this must come from good upbringing. LOL catch ya latas..

Jami said...

Dude, he is cute! lol (Don't tell Matt I said that... hee hee!)

Danielle Smith said...

I bet you were blushing the whole time with red cheeks and everything. I know that's how I would be!!

The Rogers said...

HOTTIE X 2!!!! Where did you find him? Emily needs to go to the dentist. Mike and I thought we would take her where we go but after going last month I think maybe not. Let me know

Dawn said...

He is cute. That was my first thought when I saw the picture.

Aaron and Amy said...

that is sooo cute. and that dentist is hot i will have to get his info so i can take Jefrie to him. j/k

Veronica said...

I love that office! They are so great there!

Maymo said...

yeah, he's cute. But that only helps me if he's single and you passed him my number on one of those spit bibs they give you... did you?

MJ said...

Bring his informations to church this Sunday, please!

Our dentist has nothing for kids, and I'M scared going there! I can't imagine how scared Aidan would be.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.