Saturday, January 24, 2009

Quirks Tag

For Chrystal

1. I am really crazy about toilet paper, tissue and any sort of paper product that goes in the bathroom. They need to be a certain way or I get really upset. When I go to people's houses I will switch their toilet paper/paper towels to go the correct way...scratch way.

2. I love to talk on the phone. A lot of my day is on the phone, I get so much done when I am on the phone. I somehow manage to parent, play, wash things and get ready all while I am on the phone, so it really irritates me when people tell me that they called me and I didn't answer because there is no possible way I didn't get to it in time. BUT If I have people over... I WILL NOT answer the phone. Crazy huh? If the number is private, unknown or I don't recognize it I won't answer it either. If it is an 800, 866 or random area code I won't answer it either which brings me to number 3.

3. If I don't know you are coming to my house I will not answer the door. People all of the time come to my door and I will not answer it, unless I can see it is a mail/delivery person. I can't stand when people ring the doorbell. If people ring it I purposely will take a long time to get to it, or I just won't answer it at all. If you are coming to someones house during the day it means one of 2 things,
number 1-a stay at home mom with small children
or number 2-someone is home sick from work or sick in general
Why would you ring a doorbell and disturb someone especially if you don't call first and find out if they are home and ready to answer the door?
I am a single mom during the day and that front door is the only thing protecting me and my kids during the day. i am especially weird about this even if it is my Bishop I will not answer it unless I know that they are coming first. There are so many what ifs I don't even need to get into them!

4. I am a very scheduled person. My kids eat, nap and go to bed at the same time every night. They have structured play time and scheduled television time and it is what helps me get through the day. We have one day a week that is our free day, which means we run errands, don't have a set schedule because everything happens on this day. This day is Thursday. It is a day for the kids to play with the other kids and my day to be with other moms. I love this day because it is also a day where I don't do any chores. My entire day is devoted to the kids except from 12-2:30. :) My kids thrive on a schedule, always have and hopefully always will. I am lucky because my husband is just as scheduled and structured as I am. Of course there are days where we shift things, and when we have family in town we bend it a little but my kids seem to not have a problem with weird days. They just go with the flow and are happy to do so. Yea us! :)

5. I love to start new projects. I like to have several options when I have my "me" time everyday. I usually have 6 or 7 projects going at once because some days I am just not feelin' a particular one. I am the same way with books right now. I am currently reading 5 books. I typically read 7 a month so that just shows you how I am with projects. AAH! My husband hates that I have so many things going at once but I need that many to keep me interesting! :) It is always nice too because I will finish them all right around the same time so I can learn and conquer something new rather quickly. I am into felt finger puppets right now. Chrystal has now intrigued me into this felt food thing. AAH!

6. I don't like to eat out. Well let me rephrase, I don't like to take my kids out to eat. It isn't a behavior thing it is more of a "I stay at home so we should eat at home" kind of thing. My kids are pretty good when we go out but I feel like eating at a restaurant should be a treat not a habit. I know several people who eat out almost 3-4 times a week! That is crazy to me! I enjoy cooking, I am fairly good at it and so I insist we eat at home. Plus if we are going to go out I'd rather it be with just me and Nathan anyway, when do we get a meal where we don't have to cut it into several pieces first or even blow on it? Only when we go on a date! I love being with just him at a sit down restaurant there is something so nice about it. Gosh I can't wait for our anniversary! :) HAHA

I tag Danielle, and who ever else wants to do this...most of you already know this crap about me so it isn't that exciting!


Veronica said...

I totally agree with #3. My mom thinks this is wierd. I think it is rude not to call first, even on your way or whatever. I don't even answer the door for a delivery person. The world is too wierd now.

The Cleverley's said...

Wow, thanks for sharing. I wish I could be as strict and scheduled as that, but my husband's go go go, never stop, fly by the seat of your pants, attitude has forced me to calm WAAAY down. There is just no scheduling around that man. Life is always interesting and the craziness can be fun. Oh and yes, we've gotta get together and make felt food. Hmm that makes me think of a girls night in!!!!

Chaney said...

I think you may have forgotten one in #3...Jehovas Witnesses....not that they're bad, because they are incredibly nice. However, the ONLY time they come to my door is in the middle of the day, and it drives me nuts because usually they're men. As if I'm going to let 2 men into the house in the middle of the day when I'm home alone with my kids. I think I'll adopt your "no answer" policy!

Danielle Smith said...

I am with you on all but 2 or 3 of these. Our brains are like the same but different!

Courtney said...

You make me laugh!! I did agree with several of them though, so I guess I can't laugh too hard!! Especially #1-that is so me!!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.