Sunday, January 4, 2009


I would like to report that my Valiant 10 class went so well that I am pinching myself because I can't believe it! I had a class full of raised hands and kids eager to read and most of all good behavior! I loved my little CTR-5's but Valiant 10 seems pretty awesome so far! :)

I asked Lucas on the way to church if he wanted a brother and he said "No." I said you don't? He said "no, just have Robert share my room with me." I said to him, but Robert's mommy and sister and brother would miss him if he moved to your room. He said "I let them come visit" I told him that Robert can come visit us anytime but he has to stay at his house. Now do you want a brother Lucas? "No! One and two sisters is nuff." I asked him if he was sure and he said "Noah can be brother." I left it at that because he was starting to get annoyed. Hahaha

I would also like to add that our 1:30pm schedule was not as bad as I thought it would be. We fed the kids at 10:30 put them down for nap at 11 woke them up at 12:45 and gave them a snack on the way to church. Sacrament being first again was a little weird, Lucas kept asking me when it was time to go to class, but other than that it was nice. I liked coming home and eating dinner at 5:30 and getting into our night routine without the huge gap that 9:00am church gives you.


Druciana said...

It sounds like our Sundays were opposite. I went from teaching the CTR8 class to teaching Sunbeams. I love the change! Now there is a reason for the way they act and I know how to deal with it. Also, we went from the 1:30 schedule to the 9am schedule. I don't like having sacrament meeting first, but I do like coming home and having time to make dinner. Isn't it funny how two people could have simmular experiences and see them in different ways?

Veronica said...

Noah can be Lucas' honorary brother. They kind of have that love/can I push him over and get that toy without either mommy seeing me thing going anyway.:)

Nathan said...

Notice that valerie thought that Sunday went great. She had a great class and kids for 2 hours of it. Bridget on the other hand was not bad but would not sit still and was a little ounry (How ever you spell that) and guess who had her....ME that's right I make bad sundays great for my wonderful wife so that she can have time to HER thing and be refreshed, while I handle all of the grind of kids in public places. And I am happy to do it if it makes her happy.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.