Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Sunday not-so-funnies

A few stories, one funny and one not so funny...

Yesterday Lucas and I were sitting on my floor playing the Cherry-O game and I looked at his hair and said "Lucas, I am afraid you are in need of a hair cut" his reply:
"Oh, I am afraid of dragons."
Danielle's response: "Hello Random!" Hahaha

This morning Lucas woke up at 7:30, this is a record for him. I decided I would try a no nap day for him just to see how it went. At 11:30 I took my shower as to get ready for church when the doorbell rang. (Bridget was asleep, and Nathan was upstairs designing the rest of the basement on the laptop) Lucas was downstairs playing with his toys alone. He walked upstairs, opened the door and let the people inside the house. They said to Lucas "are your mommy and daddy home?" He said "I don't know" then proceeded to go upstairs. He opened my bedroom door and said "Daddy come down and see my friends" Nathan shrugged his shoulders and thought maybe he meant his Little People, his GeoTrax but as he walked downstairs and saw Al and Colton in the house he about peed his pajama pants. After they left Nathan came up and decided to tell me in the best way possible..."Honey, we need to get a higher lock or a door stop for the front door" I am thinking uh, okay why and then he tells me the story. URGH! At least it was people we know, but that is so dangerous! We will be purchasing a dead bolt tomorrow!

Lucas is such a sweet boy, we are lucky that he really didn't know. :) We are also going to be talking about safe things and not safe things tomorrow night for family night. AAH!


Druciana said...

That happened to me one time. When Eric was 3 or 4 he let a door to door sales man in, and John was at work. YIKES! I started locking the door while I was in the shower after that!

Chaney said...

KatieJo & Samuel let a vaccume salesmen in a couple weeks ago and they are A LOT older than Lucas! I could have shot them (and the salesmen for actually coming in!). Thankfully Stuart was home!

Jen said...

Uh oh...that is scary...and I am sure that it really FREAKED you out being that you are totally anal about that too :)

Kathy said...

Oh I am afraid of dragons too.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.