Sunday, May 31, 2009

Smell dat?

Sunday morning, aaah a nice relaxed day until 10 when we shove lunch into the kids mouths, and put them down for nap at 10:30 so we can wake and shake them up at 12:30 to throw clothes on them and head to our church for the worst time slot on the planet...1:30pm. (we will not be there next week)

Inhale, and let out a big sigh of relief...this is the last 1:30pm church for the year. We are moving to the new building next week and the time is now 11:00 where we will have to keep the kids awake through the entire 3 hour block. It shouldn't be too hard with 2 in nursery and an almost 3 month old.

To celebrate I made Lisa's mini German Pancakes and a little surprise for Nathan...a Heart shaped one! :) He ate it too fast for me to take a picture, I made them out of my crazy 4.5 inch spring form pans that I got for my birthday! I made 2 different recipes and I liked Lisa's for the mini ones, which were crispy and tastes a little like custard inside, and I like the other recipe for the other ones, because they tasted more like french toast to me, and I really like french toast. Everyone in this house had a different opinion! :)
The kids had never had them before and they really enjoyed them! Lucas kept letting us know how wonderful they smelled. I wish I knew! :) I made theirs with a mini muffin tin and they were buttery and crispy...with the powdered sugar they were extra special! Mmmm.
After our big breakfast we played some games, and then read from the family BoM. We then let the kids pick out their outfits, and laid them out and ate a sandwich for lunch, put the kids down for nap at 10:30 and Nathan and I worked on a Thank You card order that I needed to finish for shipment. (which will not be shipped until next week, sorry Teffy)

We got the kids up at 12:30 dressed them took a few pictures since Scarlett was up and happy.
I couldn't pick just one picture to show you, because well...I love them all! Hahaha.

Went to church and came home for pork chops! Don't think all of our Sundays are this peaceful, a lot of them include lounging around too much and unfortunately rushing to get ready and out the door on time! :)

I also need to add that every 18 month old I know starts to make that silly face when smiling, which I don't like. Scrunched up face and head tilted up so their chin is extra large...oh well. They are only this little for a short time right?

Saturday, May 30, 2009


This is how Lucas used to pronounce it.. "guh - snas - ticks", about 2 months into the program he pronounced it "stin-asticks" and then it evolved into "nas-ticks" and today after 5 months he FINALLY called it "Ginastics" No matter how he said it, he LOVED it! The teachers loved him too. Miss Lauren (about 19) would always call on him to do the demonstration because he usually only had to see it once to figure it out. The teachers called him little Paul Hamm, and occasionally would ask Nathan if he was a gymnast because he was just as good at the drills as Lucas! The one thing Nathan couldn't do was the Hula Hoop and I happily showed him how it was done! Haha!

Today was the last day of gymnastics for Lucas, he won't be returning until the Fall, but he LOVED it and here are some pictures of today. They aren't that great because he was just too fast for me! :)

Lucas gave both of his teachers hugs and gave Miss Lauren a special card that we made together. I asked Lucas what his favorite thing about gymnastics was and he said "well, I like two things really...the tumble rocket and the giant trampoline"

In the fall Lucas will be in the Intermediate class with the 4.5 year olds. He skipped a whole level with instructor permission! We are so proud of our little athlete!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Tears and the Cory Face

Today was the last day of Grandma and Grandpa's visit. They came over and played a bit and the kids modeled one of the many outfits that Grandma and Grandpa bought them yesterday.

Bridget let me curl her hair, so I flipped it out, it was super cute!

We went to Rumbi for lunch and we ran into the Schwalger's another family from church...people need to hang out with me more since I know where all of the fun is happening! Hehehe.

After a delicious Tropical meal, we took a picture and then hugged and said our goodbye's.
The kids were crying and I said see, they miss you already, but they were fighting over a balloon. Ooops! Once we started driving home Bridget said so softly "papa?" I said "Oh, Bridgey he went bye-bye" Her big beautiful brown eyes filled with tears and she said "why?" "I said he has to go to work" And tears just streamed down her face.
It was heart wrenching that's for sure.

Here is Bridget doing the Cory face (the highlight of EVERY day) lobster husband.

After nap Lucas said "After my Birthday we get to see my Grandpa again!" I told him that was right. He then said "We need to make him a movie so he ra-members this trip" so we did...

We also called him and left a message on the machine. I know my kids had a fabulous time with Grandma and Grandpa. Nathan and I did too, but we all know that its always about my itty bitty Wittes! :)
Both these girls were in the sun the same amount of time yesterday.
Look at Bridget's arms! CRAZY!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


WARNING another photo heavy blog post. (what do you expect I took 124 pictures!)
Please click on any picture to see larger!

Today was another jam packed day full of sunshine and clouds and of course laughter! We packed up the kids early and headed down to my parents hotel for breakfast. The kids loved the fireplace.

Then we all climbed into the van and headed down to Morrison for a morning at Red Rocks Amphitheatre. It was gorgeous. We went into the visitors center, which was so cool and then headed outside to brave the stairs.

I need to mention that Nathan took Lucas and Scarlett down to the stage and then ran up the stairs with Lucas on his back and Scarlett in his arms. Impressive right?
I told him to take the snuggli but he said he didn't want it.

Lucas went and climbed a little and earned his new Indian name
RedButt OrangeHair...can you see why?

After that we drove about a mile to Heritage Square. The kids were tall enough to ride a lot of the rides. Bridget needed to be with an adult, but she still got to ride some rides alone.

We stopped for some ice cream and Lucas wanted to do the zip line. He was great, what a little adventurer. Bridget wanted to do it but I said no this time, I thought she might fly right past the instructors because she is so little. Hahaha.

We rode some more rides...I am only sad I didn't get video of Grandpa getting in and out of the train ride. Hahaha.

Lucas learned the gumball rules. Oh, and it was yellow so it was Grandpa's! Hahaha.

We went to go on the Alpine slide but there was lightning so they closed it, we went to the paddle boats and waited it out. Our last ride was the paddle boats it was fun for me, but Lucas was terrified of the "brown water where there is no fish."

We packed back into the car and went to Flat Irons to shop for the kids and then we had dinner at Bloom. It was delicious! We then parted ways and my parents met us back at our house for dessert. I made Snickerdoodles. The kids ran around in their jammies and played with Grandma and Grandpa some more and then it was bedtime. All in all it was a very busy day and only Nathan turned into a tomato. He said he was okay but only tomorrow will we know for sure! :)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.