Sunday, May 24, 2009


WARNING another photo heavy blog post. (what do you expect I took 124 pictures!)
Please click on any picture to see larger!

Today was another jam packed day full of sunshine and clouds and of course laughter! We packed up the kids early and headed down to my parents hotel for breakfast. The kids loved the fireplace.

Then we all climbed into the van and headed down to Morrison for a morning at Red Rocks Amphitheatre. It was gorgeous. We went into the visitors center, which was so cool and then headed outside to brave the stairs.

I need to mention that Nathan took Lucas and Scarlett down to the stage and then ran up the stairs with Lucas on his back and Scarlett in his arms. Impressive right?
I told him to take the snuggli but he said he didn't want it.

Lucas went and climbed a little and earned his new Indian name
RedButt OrangeHair...can you see why?

After that we drove about a mile to Heritage Square. The kids were tall enough to ride a lot of the rides. Bridget needed to be with an adult, but she still got to ride some rides alone.

We stopped for some ice cream and Lucas wanted to do the zip line. He was great, what a little adventurer. Bridget wanted to do it but I said no this time, I thought she might fly right past the instructors because she is so little. Hahaha.

We rode some more rides...I am only sad I didn't get video of Grandpa getting in and out of the train ride. Hahaha.

Lucas learned the gumball rules. Oh, and it was yellow so it was Grandpa's! Hahaha.

We went to go on the Alpine slide but there was lightning so they closed it, we went to the paddle boats and waited it out. Our last ride was the paddle boats it was fun for me, but Lucas was terrified of the "brown water where there is no fish."

We packed back into the car and went to Flat Irons to shop for the kids and then we had dinner at Bloom. It was delicious! We then parted ways and my parents met us back at our house for dessert. I made Snickerdoodles. The kids ran around in their jammies and played with Grandma and Grandpa some more and then it was bedtime. All in all it was a very busy day and only Nathan turned into a tomato. He said he was okay but only tomorrow will we know for sure! :)


Cherstin rocks said...

Glad you didn't take it that way! I'm sure you'd do nothing to endanger your kids.

I LOVE Bridget's new haircut! We didn't see much of the front when you posted about it, but I think it's too cute, especially with her facial structure. :)

Auntie Stef said...

Umm what the hell are they talking about? Of course you wouldn't put them in danger, stupid.

Anyways I love it. They all look like they are having fun! There is just one thing haha. I cant wait for tomorrows!

Love ya

Auntie Veronica said...

Lucas is such a little dare devil!

Danielle Smith said...

Well, I am going to take offense for you! Here she is, Cherstin, the parenting expert! She has two kids and seems to know everything there is to know about them. Don't forget all the parenting boosk she's read by people who haven't had kids, just studied them. They make boosters for as light as 30lbs. Plus, Lucas is tall, so length-wise he is fine. If you keep Abby in a 5-point harness until she is 65lbs. then she will be a 4th grader needing her mommy to unbuckle her before she can get out and go to school or play with her friends. I was only 78lbs. when I was almost 12 years old. Would you have kept me in a 5 point harness until I was 10? Don't try to alert other mothers of "endangering" their children, it isn't your place. I have 4 kids and I still don't know everything!

Angie BBC said...

way to go Danielle Smith. This person from "our family" thinks she is the expert. Have you read her blog? All she does is complain about her own kids and is about them being winey, sounds like she knows what she is talking about. (NOT!) I also read what she put on Jami's blog and that was just ridiculous, copy and pasting infformation on the internet like all she does is read what do do instead of doing it is lame. She needs to go find someone who cares! our are stupid!!!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.