Saturday, October 31, 2009

Rick r Treat...Tank you!

Last year's 2008 Halloween POST

The year before 2007 Halloween POST

Okay got that done, now lets talk about this year's shall we?

We finished dinner at 5:45, and at 5:55 while my kids were putting on their costumes, we had a pack of WILD trick or treaters ringing the doorbell.  This was good because it made my kids hurry up and get ready so they could go on their own with Nathan through the neighborhood.  I offered to keep Scar with me but the neighbors would have been mad if they didn't get to see her too so Nathan carried her to the 25 houses on our little cul de sac loop and then the kids came back to pass out because that is their favorite thing to do.

It was still light out when they went, it was so cute because after every house Bridget would say thank you, thank you and then yell across the street to me "Hey Mom!" Lucas told her that they needed to be fast so they could have a turn at the haunted house.  The walkway between our neighborhood and the town homes had a mini haunted but friendly house for the little ones. It was so cute.

Passing out candy was fun, but so was playing in the left over snow.  Remember the 2 feet we got two days ago?  Yeah almost ALL of it is gone now! See...


It was so beautiful outside before it got dark...

Scarlett wants to walk soooooo bad.

She will be 8 months on Friday. She is CRAZY.

So this year I had a great idea with the candy situation.  Since my kids only hit a few houses - while they are passing out, I dump the pails out and sort through the stuff they can't have like... GUM and JAWBREAKERS, and other things that are too hard for them to eat and I add that to our pass out candy bin. Then I put one of each thing in their basket so their is an even number of SMARTIES, KITKATS and other stuff that they like so it makes it fair later on when they get a treat.  Smart right?  I know I know. :)

Well hope you all had a HAPPY HALLOWEEN! We sure did!


Angie BBC said...

You are such a great mom, and I love seeing all of your pictures. I wish we lived closer I could really learn a lot from you!

Veronica said...

So cute! Looks like you had a lot of fun!

Amber D. said...

genius! i will totally steal your idea when I get more kiddos! Cute costumes by the way!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.