Sunday, November 29, 2009

22 people (Thursday's Post)

I hosted Thanksgiving this year, but didn't really do much of the cooking.  Veronica's parents brought half of the meal, and my mother in  law Cindy brought everything else, including tablescapes, appetizers, and the rest of the meal.  I made a few things and my parents made a few things.

Here was the guest list:
Phil & Joyce Horn,  Chuck and Lue Howard, Gary and Cindy with Spencer and Alex, Ryan and Veronica with Elijah and Noah, Nathan and Valerie with Lucas, Bridget, and Scarlett, Jared and Erin, Ben, Chris and Megan.  It was a full house!

Here are some of the highlights:

The kids made all of the place cards and I must say...they were adorable!

A quick squeeze before everyone came!

The kids watching TV to avoid getting trampled.

Playing some street football.

More outdoor games...did I mention it was 65 on Thanksgiving day?  Just BEAUTIFUL!

The spread, minus the table in the kitchen and the kids table by the front door.

The Dutch Oven Turkey was ready to be sliced.

Megan and Erin chatting on the stairs with me.

I made marble pumpkin cheesecake, Nathan went a little crazy with the caramel topping.

My kids loved Jared and Erin.

We played games, I was laughing at I don't know but this is the only picture of me the entire night!

More fun.

The grandmas rolling dough.

Bridget was Erins best friend when she wasn't performing for attention from everyone else.

Bridget hi-fiving Grandpa.

Even though it was a little stressful and a lot of work, Thanksgiving was a lot of fun, and I am grateful to have family and friends here in Colorado. I am also grateful that my parents came and spent time with us.  I am so happy we weren't alone and had didn't have a quiet evening, there is something to be said about loud people, laughing and stuffing their faces all day...oh wait that's what Thanksgiving is all about! Family.


Brittney and Michael said...

Wow, what a production! Your tables and food table look beautiful, and that cheesecake should make a reappearance at lunch club. Yummy!

Kathy said...

Looks like you all had a good time. I love the picture with Bridget with her feet up on the table. It is so her for some reason, it made me laugh.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.