Itty_Bitty_Wittes 2008-2009

Thursday, December 31, 2009


Bridget always wants to hold her "little" sister.  I had to put that in quotes because I will show you...

They are almost the same size! In fact, Scarlett is only 4 inches shorter than Bridget!
In these pictures you can tell they look alike. At least I think so.

What do you think?

Scarlett is in 18 months and Bridget is in a 2T.

Bridget always asks to snuggles with Scarlett and pretty soon Scarlett will have to Snuggles with Bridget because she is going to be bigger than her!

I can't wait to talk about this year and the one to come, but it will have to be tomorrow because these are just too cute to pass up!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Our Christmas Picture -2009

This is the picture we sent out this year. If you didn't get it, its because I didn't have your address because I sent out 98 this year!  If you want one next year leave me a comment with your address! :)

Here are their individual shorts, I think I did an okay job, the tripod pic of the 3 of us was the best of 4 Scarlett was being moody that day. What do you think?

These next few are my favorites because they are "out-takes" only some of my cards this year had them tucked inside! :)

Lucas is giving me bedroom eyes in this one! LOL

I love Scar's cheeks!

I mean really look at those cheeks!

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Do you remember last year this day?
(click above)
Well, I remembered and was determined to make today a better day than last year. So...

We woke up to some fun dress up play.
Lucas was saving us from our make-shift burning building.
I was Silver Mist and Bridget was Tinker Bell.
She prefers Rosetta but wanted the green skirt so there you go.

Lucas was of course "Lucas Ladders, Billy Blazes Fire Chief"
If you watch Rescue Heroes you know what I am talking about. But since the show aired in 1999 and only had 1 season with 27 episodes I doubt you have heard of it - it airs on Quibo and luckily for us we have every episode DVR'd.   If you have heard of the Imaginext toys for boys the Rescue Heroes were Fisher Price's inspiration, hence Lucas's obesssion with all things "Rescue"/"Hero"
Okay, enough of that.
Scarlett was "Jake Justice" or as we like to call her "Julie Justice"

Then we got dressed and headed out to the indoor play area in Broomfield. We love this place and it was free! Well it always is but it was especially fun because Nathan was there with us!

This was Scarlett's "again, do it again" face

We had a picnic lunch and then played Construction Worker...notice Bridget's hat? Yea that is how we know whose hat it who's. Mmmm hmmm.

Then I made Chile Rellenos and took a cute video of the baby.

Here is the DIRECT LINK to the video in case you can't see the whole thing.
It was a much better day this year!
I hope I didn't jinx tomorrow! Hehehe.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009

Everyone Sporting their new Christmas Jammies!

Then it was time to turn on the Yule Log Channel and open up some presents.  The kids woke up at 7 (which is late) and checked to see if Santa do we know?  He filled the stockings!  Santa only fills our stockings, because Nathan didn't want Santa to get credit for our presents! Hahaha.

I will just share with you the highlights of our wonderful Christmas.
The kids opened up a few things that were the same...

 Because in this house firemen gear is a hot commodity! (no pun intended)
We opened up each thing and then took it out to play with it, that way they could enjoy each thing a little bit before opening up the next present.  I remember when I was young opening up everything so quickly and not really seeing what I got till I had to take it up to my room.

The kids were great helping and watching Scarlett open her toys, and being patient while we played with her stuff. She was really cute with the toys and things she received.

Then they opened up Auntie Steph's presents.  Bridget loved her cash register, Lucas loved his Racetrack and Scarlett...

Thinks he Little People Fairy Treehouse is the coolest.  She played with this for 15 minutes while the kids opened their presents.  She is really into Little People right now so this was a great gift!

They each had a big bag under the Christmas tree from Grandma and Grandpa Horn.

Bridget got this and was clapping because she could put her baby in it and go to the store and Lucas got this...

A Rescue Boat!  He wanted to call Grandpa immediately and tell him Thank You because he really wanted this!

We had the tree up for 3 weeks and no one touched the tree and then Scarlett discovered it had lights on it and that it needed to be touched! Hahaha.

They opened a bunch of other things but this was the gift that Nathan and I were the most excited about - it took us 2 months to do it and it was the anticipation of it all that really was so hard for me.

We built the kids a stage (not pictured) and made them each a dress up box full of cool stuff.
Bridget had
Tinker Bell dress ups (3), Princess dress ups (3)
A fireman and a construction worker in her box
Lucas had
A Fireman, A Police Officer, A Construction Worker (thanks Witte's), Super Why(pictured), A Chef, A Bug Catcher, A Magician, and a dad in his box.

This was my all time favorite gift because we worked so hard on making it!  The stage doubles as a puppet theater and will be its own separate post! :)

After 2 hours of playing and opening we had a light breakfast and then it was time to Skype the Horn's

This was our gift to my parents and I think they really liked it!  Can you see them?
Grandma, Grandpa, Steph and Theo! It was so cool to talk to them and thank them right there!

Then we ate my Christmas Feast (basically a repeat of Thanksgiving but I did everything myself)
Then nap and STOCKING time.

I had a hard time pulling Bridget away from her babies.

It was a great Christmas for us and I hope yours was great too!

Friday, December 25, 2009

A very Witte Christmas Eve

This is the lovely Gingerbread house that greeted us when we entered the party!

These are the Gingerbread sleds that Grandma Witte made for us to store sugar cookies in and to take home! mmmm!

We decorated...

and decorated...

and snagged a few to eat in between the decorating.

It was a lot of fun.


Then we updated our Christmas lists.

Wrestled with Grandpa Witte.

and Uncle Ben

Stole a hug...

then his glasses!

Heard a toast, and had some "fizzy juice" and then...

Opened some presents!

Lucas's FAVORITE present of the night! I think he told Grandma Witte Thank you eleven times!

More presents.


Veronica and I had to get a cheezy picture...

Everybody was doing it! Hahaha.

It was a fun Christmas Eve, full of -Yummy- Sandwiches (that is what they are called), and cookies, and Bridget slep with Baby Belle all night!  I will let you know all about Christmas tomorrow!
I love Christmas traditions, this is one of them.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.