Thursday, December 31, 2009


Bridget always wants to hold her "little" sister.  I had to put that in quotes because I will show you...

They are almost the same size! In fact, Scarlett is only 4 inches shorter than Bridget!
In these pictures you can tell they look alike. At least I think so.

What do you think?

Scarlett is in 18 months and Bridget is in a 2T.

Bridget always asks to snuggles with Scarlett and pretty soon Scarlett will have to Snuggles with Bridget because she is going to be bigger than her!

I can't wait to talk about this year and the one to come, but it will have to be tomorrow because these are just too cute to pass up!


Chaney said...

Your girls are ADORABLE! Typically I would say they don't look a whole lot alike, but I agree that they look alike in those pictures. What cuties!

Kirsta 'n co. said...

Although Patrick is lots taller than Eli, Eli is coming up fast on beating him out in the chunky category!

Congrats on the book deal, that's fantastic! I get dibs on the first copy.

Jen said...

Love the pics - what cute little smiles!

The Halls said...

You're kiddos are super cute :)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.