Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Clinging to Spring

Every Sunday we match, actually anytime we go outside the house we match.  For example, scroll down to the day we went to the park with my parents, everyone matched because it was easier to spot the 3 kids in teal then a boy in red and a girl in pink, and a baby you know?

I know this about myself...(the freak part) and I am not embarrassed, I am more excited when people notice it like "Hey you all are in purple!" I usually say yes but am thinking "I know...I got everyone dressed!" or sometimes I am thinking about saying something rude that I will not quote out for you all right now.

Anyway. On Sunday when it was 34 outside and the air had a little bite to it, I still dressed my kids matching, but was in the pretty flowery mood and put everyone in their spring dresses.  Lucas wanted to wear a sweater, and that was fine, but I just couldn't put everyone in their dark and dreary clothes this Sunday.

So here they are in my desperate attempt to cling on to Spring...

I know they aren't the best, but I love each of these pictures and it reminds me of how they are right now.
Lucas is the caring one, Bridget is the wild one, and Scarlett is the sweet one.  *big exhale* I love my ity bitty wittes! :)
P.S. These are cute but our Christmas Card Pictures are FREAKING awesome!


Jami said...

I love Bridget's face in the first picture... like, whatever Mom. LOL They're so cute!

Angie BBC said...

I love that their outfits match your background!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.