Friday, May 30, 2008

6 month shots!

I know Bridget is almost 7 months, but my schedule and the doctors schedule were never in sync so we got her in yesterday. You would never believe she had 3 shots in her thighs and one orally because this is how she looked an hour later...
... Like it had never happened! Bridget never cries when she gets her shots. She likes to see what's going on and then she's okay. I told the nurse to sit her up so she could see what was happening, and the nurse did, and she didn't cry. Lucas however had to leave the room because if he had seen what they were doing to his "Digit" he would have kicked the nurse! I can't tell you all how much Bridget smiles. It is rare to see her cry or be sad. All you have to do is look at her and your whole day will change. She is so sweet and beautiful and we are lucky to have her in our family.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


2 BIG things happened today....

1) Lucas got a package from his Grandpa Horn today...

2) After nap Lucas told me no more diapers. So I put him in underwear and from 3-8:30 he was in underwear with no accidents. He went potty every half an hour on his own, and we put a diaper on him at night and he was kinda sad about it. When Nathan got home from work Lucas showed him he went #2 on the potty all by himself! Lucas isn't even 2 yet and you normally should take your child in underwear into the potty every 15 minutes the first time they wear them but Lucas seemed to have a handle on it. We have been practicing potty with him since he was 18 months and I guess it just clicked. There are a lot of other things we did, and with my expertise (I am a certified potty trainer through the state of CO) I think he could be potty trained fully by the end of the summer! (knock on wood) YEA!!!

Grandpa should look in the mail...Lucas sent you something back!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Whew! What a Weekend!

A last minute camping trip with the family can mean a lot of things, for us it meant learning how to pack better! We had to make 2 trips on the way up to Jellystone (home of Yogi Bear) because I forgot socks, and Chicken! We went camping with the Wittes and split the meals, they made 4 we made 4. Setting up the tents was fun for Lucas and what was more fun was seeing Grandpa and Grandma. He loves the outdoors and them too of course!

Sleeping the first night in 30 degree weather wasn't bad, Lucas ended up in bed with us in the morning and Bridget slept in her sleeping bag in the port-a-crib just fine!

In fact, you would have thought that nothing had changed in their lives because their morning was exactly the same Lucas greeted Bridget with a kiss and we got dressed ready for the day, like it was any other...
Saturday we went to Estes to check out the Art show and have a picnic lunch...
Lucas loved to say and play Uncle lalex and Ris (Alex and Chris) but I think Bridget had Uncle Chris wrapped around her little finger! :) It was beautiful, and sunny, and we went back to the campsite and played at the park, had dinner and then Sunday hit... and with a unanimous vote, we decided to leave after Lunch. Good thing we did because it started to rain at 3:30 (we were home by then) and it snowed on Monday and who wants to pack up camp in the snow?

These were just some random pics of beautiful Estes Park, CO. You should visit it sometime! The kids (Lucas) loved the camping experience and I think they will like it even more in August!

A story....I unzipped the tent in the morning and he says to me "Outside again? I said yes we are outside again and he said "Yessssss, Where's Grandpa?" He liked peeing on the trees and enjoyed that we didn't have to wash our hands with a sink like we do at home. He really liked that we all were in the same room (tent) at night. He only asked for Noah once and thought the dutch ovens were "eet-o" "neat-o"

I must say that camping with a 22 monther and a 6 monther were not that bad, even though they didn't take naps...and you know me Miss Scheduler it was harder for me to not be scheduled the entire time, but they kids did great.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Today Ali graduated from Kindergarten. It was so weird for me especially. I met her when she turned one. When I worked for the State I met her and fell in love with this chubby little thing with the huge binki in her mouth. I would come and visit her at the daycare and she would crawl up to me and hug me. She never spoke, just snuggled. I stayed at that center for 2 and a half years and taught her so many things. I managed to continue being her teacher till she was 2.5. I helped her learn how to walk, potty trained her...we were so close, we even managed to get our tonsils out on the same day at the same hospital, because I couldn't work without her there. After I left my job shortly after getting married I helped her parents out by watching her and her brother out and as a joke I threw out that I would nanny their kids till I found another job. Well, I didn't and we have been together ever since. Lucas has also grown attached to Ali and her brother as well. He calls her "my Ali" and they are good friends. Today was my last day and I didn't even cry! Well, until I got into the car with Ali and she lost it completely. we had a mini cry session and she said she was going to miss me so much and didn't want to go to summer camp and I have to agree, I don't want her to go either, but it will be good. I know all of this sounds so weird because she isn't even my kid, but in a way she was practice for me and my kids. She and I have a special little bond and I will always miss her and love her.

Here are some pictures of Ali when I first met her and was her teacher. Adorable huh? How could you not love that face? It is good for her to grow up and good for us too, but sad at the same time. Bittersweet. (big sigh)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I got my Ice Cream machine in the mail! Thanks parents for this awesome birthday gift! We made sorbet for our Wacky Wednesday treat. Here's how it went....

We made strawberry sorbet and it was fantastic! I am thinking next time we have people over we are going to make something a bit more extravagant! No pictures of the kids trying this one, because it wasn't ready till 9pm....we ate it while watching Lost season 3! I love this machine!

Another good thing about this sorbet is that we used 8 strawberries from the garden, and it was all natural ingredients! So that means I can use it every night right?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Bridget has been growing so much. She hasn't had her 6 month check up yet, but I am just waiting for the doctor to tell me that she is huge (like I don't already know) She has been crawling and getting into things and I love it, but at the same time it makes me sad that she is growing up. She is really a great baby, not fussy, not whiny, not clingy. She has been so happy and pleasant and cheerful since she was born. She doesn't scream like normal babies do, it is so soft and she is so relaxed. I am so happy to have had her second because she has been so easy. Today she woke up in Lucas's old Jammies and she was sitting on the couch watching Lucas dance and I couldn't believe how big she was. Those are 12 month jammies, and they barely fit her. They barely fit him too! Lucas wore them for the first time at 8 months last March...
Now that I look at these I realize how fat Lucas was...DANG!
Bridget is only 2 months younger than him and wow what a difference!

Saturday, May 17, 2008


That is what it was a fest! Nathan and I planned on going again this year, since we live in Thornton, and everything is such a great deal...FREE! It was 80 and beautiful and the kids had a great time. Nathan and I were finally a couple again! He has been so busy that our schedules are here and there so its, dinner, bath, bed, shows, scrips, and g'night kiss. :) We got to hang out, and eat and this year we had a new addition...Bridget! Lucas was so fun wanting to ride the rides and play with the other kids and get cool stuff...from the different vendors. It is amazing the fun you can have without electronics, expensive things and money. I think people forget that sometimes. is our fun day.
Bridget was O-U-T! Lucas's eye looks so bad in the picture with the train doesn't it? HAHAHAHA I mean... Awww...

We finished our fun day with a quick shop and a trip to Verizon...we have new numbers so email us if you need it! :)

Friday, May 16, 2008


These pictures were taken pre-black eye, I just forgot to post them. I don't like to post everyday because then you start to sound boring! I think everyday of my life is fun and interesting, but I don't need to share with everyone every piece of information that goes on in the Witte house. Plus people don't really care. So I like to post things that are cute and funny, and that I get pictures of. So here goes....

It has been rainy all week, and a lot of last week too. So going outside isn't really an option. Lucas tells me he needs the "balii" which meens blanket. I give him some and then he runs into Bridget's room. I hear her laughing on the monitor and see that Lucas has crawled into her tent and made a "tint" (tent) then I grabbed my camera and turned on the lights, Lucas screams "Noo! It's ni-nite" so I turned off the lights, and tried to take as many pictures as I could.
I gave him a flashlight and they were having a great time. Lucas was jumping while Bridget was standing up...her new favorite thing. (in the crib)

kids look so funny with their eyes closed...I love it! Hahahaha
Lucas took another jump and Bridget had had it! Lucas then "tried to wassale" (wrestle) Bridget and she overtook him. The last pictre is him begging for mercy. Nathan is probably saying right now..."that's my girl"
In these pictures especially, I see little Stephanie. (My sister) Bridget looks so much like her it is crazy! I will find some of her and scan them in...when I go home in June I will have to remember that.
These pics should be clickable, so click on them to enlarge! Oh, and for those of you (DS) who are wondering why Bridget's jammies are always yellow...its because she is in 12 month clothes and therefore she is in Lucas's old jammies because I haven't had time to get new pink ones! So there!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The shiner

Yes, shiner as in black eye! Yesterday Lucas and a friend were playing, and bumped into each other...we went to the ER because blood was everywhere and getting into his eye! He was great, didn't cry and got 3 lollipops out of it! Here it was yesterday....
and here it is today....
Oh, were you wondering where Bridget was during all of she is, gave up on being picked up and put into her crib for nap, so she just passed out on the floor, wrapped up in my cardigan!

Gee, I can't wait till it looks nice and green on Thursday! :)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.