Monday, May 12, 2008

Our Weekend Review

Friday I was asked to watch the Jones kids, because their Aunt was sick so I picked them up and had the van full of 6 children! Went to McD's and ate it at the park. Now, at this point most of you should be thinking are you crazy? you took 6 kids to the park? The answer to that is YES! How did I do it? Here's how...

In order: Larke 20 months, Bridget 6 months, Lucas 22 months, Gideon 5, Ali 5.5, Eden 3

What is even crazier you ask? I had to take 6 kids potty with my single stroller, because I left my double stroller in the garage! So this is how I did that...

Do you see Larke behind Bridget? Lucas on top...yeah...I call it Creative!

How did I watch 6 kids at the park? I had Bridget on me, Lucas and Larke in the swings and was chasing everyone else around, actually it wasn't that bad...***Note to self***Don't EVER put a 24 pound 6month old in a Snuggli on a hot day! Bleech!Lucas wanted to do everything the big kids were doing so Ali kept an eye on him!

Saturday we went to Ryan and Veronica's house...played for a while, came home and napped and then planted some veggies! Nathan came home really late and Lucas was asking when he got to go to Daddy's house...(meaning work) Nathan just got a promotion so he has had to work every other Saturday! AAHH!!!

Sunday was Mother's Day. Nathan and I spoke at church, it wasn't too bad. Lucas didn't like that I was up on the stand but he was very good and got to play with a new truck we got him to distract him. I spoke for 22 minutes. It didn't really seem that long, but because of the primary musical number Nathan was only able to give 20% of his talk. oh well...The Mickelsons had Bridget and she was happy to be passed around.

I received a lot of compliments after church about my talk, and when we got home there were 2 messages on the phone from people thanking me for my talk! It was weird! Lucas and Bridget were so cute after church. Here they are hugging and stuff, and we really like this dress from Lue and Chuck (V's parents)

I am so grateful for my family, my friends, my kids and especially my husband for making this Mother's day extra special!


Emily S. said...

I love Bridget's dress!!!
Happy Mom Day, late!

Laura said...

I'm so glad your talk went well. And that you had messages when you came home. I'm telling you...people don't hate you! I for sure don't!

Auntie V said...

Briggy looks great in blue!

Laura said...

I really really do need help. I want a cute header on my blog like yours. I found one I like, but don't know how to get it or a cute background. Also...maybe I'm just spacy? I didn't know how to separate my blog entries so there is text and pictures associated with the same date.

Danielle Smith said...

Very pleased with how well your talk went. I knew you would do well! I am even more pleased with how cute Bridget looked in the dress!!

Danielle Smith said...

PS-Looks like you know you can have 6(7 for you because it's an odd number) kids and not go totally insane. That's talent, my dear, talent!!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.