Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Flying Persimmon!

Well, the Flying Tomato was taken! Shaun White gold metalist in snowboarding and winner of several events in skateboarding's X-Games is pretty popular. Today when the kids woke up from nap I was still watching olympic trials and went to turn it when Lucas yells at me "stop kateboarding, kateboarding, back!!!" So I go back to some competition on NBC where boys are skateboarding, as they go up he yells woah and yeah, and then when they fall he says "oh, maaaan" (like swiper the fox) He laughs and thinks that they are so "coo" and cheers and then it is time for Shaun White. The not-so-cute-21-year-old 's turn. He does several tricks and Lucas gets up and screams: "Yes! That is Dowas!" Now Dowas means Lucas when Lucas is talking. I said that is Dowas? he said "oh yes mommy that is me" I then think to myself, why him, he is so not cute! Why couldn't he pick my favorite skateboarder Tony Hawk? I mean everyone who has ever lived with me or visited my apartment has seen how many Tony Hawk action figures I own. Lucas now plays with them and calls them dude.

He is so much better looking, and anyone knows that looks matter when competing in a skateboarding championship. Yeah, yeah I know what you are all thinking he's 40 and that is so old, but seriously if you were trapped in a room with one guy who would it be...not the red-head that's for sure! :) Hahaha

Okay, Okay back to my story. So Bridget comes up to me and is standing up cherring by wailing when the men go up, and laughing when they go down. It must have looked like an amusement park ride! Well, anyway thank you NBC for entertaining my 2 year old and my 8.5 almost 9 month old for 45 minutes. It was quite entertaining.

For those of you thinking what action figures is she talking about here they are...

and yes I know I need help! There are 5 in all and I own all 5.

1 comment:

V said...

Yes, I agree, not the red-head. ;)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.