Sunday, July 13, 2008

He's Back!

I'm not gonna lie, this past week has been rough on my family. First with our kitchen fiasco when we returned from our vacation, and then to Nathan going to Richmond, Va for a business trip...this week has just been a kink in my routine that I finally just cut out of my hair! :)
Wednesday there was a park day mix up so we didn't end up meeting everyone like we had wanted to.
Thursday we were invited to go to our friends house to go swimming. That was a great afternoon turned into a cry fest because Daddy was still at work! Lucas couldn't understand why Nathan wasn't home in the morning and then not home at night. I managed to stay calm, and in turn my kids were awesomely behaved, but everytime Lucas would ask for Nathan I would get a little sad too.
Friday we went to my friend Desi's to hang out for a while until I had to Lucas to an appointment. She was nice enough to watch Bridget while we were gone. Then we came back to our house for a little rearranging of the toy room.
Saturday Nathan was back and suprised us by sweeping us all into the car and taking us to the park. Lucas of course was happy and wanted to show Nathan a cool trick...
When we go to the park Lucas will climb and conquer all of the ladders he sees. It is this thing he has to do before he can slide or swing. Pretty impressive huh?
After an intense session on the swings Nathan took advantage of his time away by preparing a few lectures for the kids.
For those of you who know Nathan you know exactly what I am talking about! :)
See what I mean?

Now we had a rough week and an extra special Saturday but what made this week end perfectly was Lucas and Nursery and the story I was told on the way to the parking lot.
Lucas turns 2 on Tuesday so he got to bring the snack and they sang and stuff to him. Part of bringing snack is that you get to pass it out. Lucas runs to the table and says "I two, I two! I help, I help" "I brif-day today" So the nursery leader let Lucas help pass out. He handed the kid two cookies and then shoved four in his mouth, handed the next kid two cookies and shoved four in his mouth...this continued to go on until the leader turned around and notices that Lucas is already on the second bag of cookies and has crumbs all over his shirt. He looked at the teacher and says with a full mouth "what I help?" She laughed and then had him sit down and gave him the first cup of water, because you see he needed it first he had eaten 26 cookies! HAHAHAHAA Just a little story that made my week. Sheesh! I wonder how he will be with his cake on Tuesday! :)

1 comment:

Danielle Smith said...

Yeah, that kid better eat all those cookies and his birthday cake! If he doesn't start fattening up, I am calling CPS to tattle on you!!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.