Monday, July 21, 2008

Music Monday

I was sitting watching Lucas's favorite show with him this morning as I usually do, and right before it was over I realized that we hadn't done a project in a long time. At my house Lucas only get's an hour of TV in the morning so this was perfect timing. I went into my recipe box of ideas and pulled one out, and I have decided that every Monday from now on we will be doing Music Mondays. If you want to join us, just call me and we can set up a music date!

This week we made water xylophones.
We opted to do 6 instead of 8 and it worked out just fine. We filled up each mason jar with 1 cup and each one got one more cup until we reached 6 cups.
Then we put food coloring in them, to make them look cool.
Then we headed outside and went to town. I love Bridget pooping in this last picture! Hahaha.
I am ready mom!
We played music for about an hour talked about the Jamaican sounds and then had a picnic lunch in the grass. Bridget wasn't really into it, so I let her bang on my metal bowls and we had a mini band outside. I wish I had my harmonica! It's packed away somewhere, DANG!

Here is Lucas concentrating...

Happy Monday everyone!


Maymo said...

you have a funny typo!!! hahaha... I wouldn't think that 'pooping' in a picture would bee that funny :)

Laura said...

Hey! Every time you post something it makes me want to steal your ideas. Where do you get these awesome ideas? I love it!!! Kylie says she wants to go to Lucas's house to play the jars too.

Megan said...

What a great idea! How fun. Now I'm going to be looking for jars!

Martina said...

cool idea!!! and i actually have mason jars around here! woo hoo!

send me an e-mail when you do a new one...i'm totally in!

Danielle Smith said...

Awesome idea. As usual, you are incredibly clever. Liam would probably skip the music part and go straight to drinking out of the jars, haha. I am sure you already know this, haha.

Emily S. said...

i gotta remember this for when my babe is older... cool idea!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.