Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My 8 month old

There comes a time in every baby's life when they decide...
*I'm independent
*I don't like baby food
*I want what he has
*I am going to scream because I am too tired to fall asleep
*I can do anything, like climb the stairs
*I can try anything, like toilet water
*I don't need you anymore
*Where are the keys? I'm going to drive there myself.

Okay, okay maybe the last one is a stretch but for my 8 month old this is the new Bridget. She has decided that I don't need to be in the room anymore, she is fine alone. In fact, she prefers to be taken out of her crib in the morning and put on the floor for some alone time.
As far as baby food is concerned the 15 jars and 12 double packs I just bought were a waste of time, because last week she liked them and this week she would rather eat Lucas food. Bridget now eats peas, corn and carrots (of the frozen variety) and loves what ever Lucas can get into her mouth before I find out.
If Lucas has a toy, now Bridget will do whatever it takes to get it. When I say whatever I mean grab him by the hair and suck on his forehead till he releases what's in his hands.
While we were in California, Bridget would wail, not scream, not cry just AAAAH loudly until we put her in her crib. When we arrived back in Denver her new I'm tired announcement is WAHHHHHHHAAAAHAHAHAHa! This is not an exaggeration people.
She has mastered stair climbing, but now has moved on to stair skipping she can skip stairs by pulling up with her arms eliminating her push up from her legs completely. Impressive? I think NOT!
Lucas is very interested in potty training lately, partly because he had to hold it while we were swimming in "dampa's" pool. I told Lucas that if he peed in the pool good 'ol "dampa" would throw him into the neighbor's backyard and he could never swim again....it worked! He realized that pee-ing in his trunks gave him owies and now he wants to only go potty so we will see how that goes...as far as Bridget is concerned the toilet is a mini-tub. It is fun for splashing and throwing Lucas's cars inside.
I will get down at Bridget's level to play with her on the carpet and she crawls away. She is telling me to go away, already!
For those of you who feel bad for me, my favorite ice cream flavor is Chocolate Peanut Butter. For those who don't have an 8 month old yet, well all I have to say is (evil laugh) HAHAHAHAHA to you!


Melanie said...

um, I hardly feel sorry for you. On the contrary, I would do ANYTHING for an 8 month old that wanted alone time right now. Mine wants me right next to him AT ALL TIMES. Wanna trade? :)

Martina said...

sorry to rob your post!! i posted on mine that i've got an invite to give...if you still haven't gotten an invite, i put my e-mail down in response to yours...or you can just click me on bbc. :)

Jeanette said...

Look what I have to look forward to!!

Laura said...

I'm pretty sure your blog entries are my favorite and most entertaining to read. That is pretty funny. I'm not thinking I miss that stage much. However I'm not sure sure the one that replaced it is much better?

*jess* said...

independence is a wonderful and sad thing all at once. 8 months...WOW.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.