Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Two: A day of celebration!

Our day started out with Nathan and I singing the birthday song. We do it every year. CLICK HERE for last year. This is the LINK to this year. Bridget was quite entertaining this time. His 2 year check up was also today with Dr. "ruce" (Bruce) Lucas is 31 pounds, and 37 inches (too bad we didn't have that on paper for Legoland) He is in the 80th percentile for head, 119th for height and 74th for weight. The doctor called him a rusty string bean 'cause of his red hair and 'cause he's skinny!
Then we went to "my party" "my park" and "dowa" The 3 things he really wanted to to this morning. So here's the slide show of the party, the park and Noah. I played it simple this time. Build your own lunchables and create your own cupcakes! Easy and the mess isn't at my house!
Then we went to the fish store to pick up some new friends:

Meet Rachel and Roxie, the Rainbow Tetras and Caspa and Dingo the White Red-Eyed Tetras. 2 of each, and you can't see Hiccup, Lucas's African Dwarf Frog, he is our digger of the bunch.
Lucas named them himself, and I think they were inspirations from a few books we have been reading from the Library but oh well. The saddest thing about these fish and frog was that Lucas thought that he would get to see Ali his old pal now that he had fish like her. Isn't that so sweet?

Nathan came home and Lucas was so cute showing him his fishes. I asked Nathan to change him and Bridget so I could get his last suprise outside. Nathan did and then we had Lucas come out side to "help me" He came out and on the driveway he saw..."BIIIIIIKE!!"
Of course he had to ride it as soon as he saw it and he did really well. My big boy is 2 and a big bike rider! So cool.He sure made out this year on presents! But look at that face, it says to me...
"mom, get out of my way, i'm riding here!"

1 comment:

Veronica said...

Oh I love the one of them laughing. That is so cute! Can you email that one to me? I like the bike too, that is awesome!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.