Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wedding/Anniversary/Hubby Tag by Danielle

Just when I thought I was done filling these things out...
I get tagged again! It is bad luck to not respond to these! Grrr...

Well, I had my anniversary on February 5th.. Here is the POST about that...
Ten Happy Anniversary Things:
1. How did we meet?
I was walking into the Alkire building at an FHE activity and I noticed this guy I hadn't seen before. So I walked up to him and said hi and told him what our activity was and then he said to me that I was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. I turned BRIGHT RED and said oh I am sure you say that to everyone and he said no you are the first. I walked away so fast and hit the chapel door, more embarrassed, I ran in the chapel and told Veronica and Ryan that some dude told me I was beautiful! I was like giddy it was so weird. They said who was it? I said I don't know him. Then 5 minutes later Ryan introduces his brother Nathan and I about collapsed. I was so embarrassed that I didn't talk to him the whole night and then Ryan and Veronica "set me up" with him against my will...the rest is sure to follow in this tag...
2. What was your ice breaker?
There really wasn't one, he asked me questions and I was cold and answered them with one word. (I was still embarrassed) He was persistent though!
3. First date and what did you do?
February 5, 2004 After work Veronica and Ryan told me that Shana Olsen cancelled on a date with Nathan and that I had to go. I didn't want to and then they said they were going to Maggiano's...of course I went! They are so sneaky!
Our second first date (when I actually started to like him) was July 8, 2004 we went to Maggiano's again and he remembered what I liked! IMPRESSIVE!
4. Who kissed who first?
We had just dropped Ryan and Veronica off at the airport (for their honeymoon) and I cried the whole way back to the apartment...partly because Nathan slammed my finger into the 15-seater van and partly because I missed Veronica and I thought she wouldn't be my friend anymore since she was married. (give me a break people I was only 21) Anyway we got back to the apartment and we were talking and then POW! he laid one on me. Veronica was right! (she told me at the airport he was going to do it...she said she had a feeling)
5. Who asked who to marry?
Which time? Haha Just kidding. He asked me in the primary room at Veronica's wedding and I thought he was joking. Then everyone asked us the date of our wedding. I guess they just knew it was right! He asked me again for real while we were taking our engagement pictures with Jeanne DeShazer. I think she was shocked. He got down on one knee and I yelled at him for getting his pants wet. He couldn't help but laugh because I didn't know what he was doing. He was so sweet and said the most beautiful things to me and then I said that is so great now get up and lets finish taking these pictures...Stephanie (my sister) is still waiting for us in the apartment!
6.What do you love about him?best physical feature? personality?
What I love about him: I love the way he loves me. Everyday he treats me like he is lucky to have me in his life. Sometimes its words, sometimes it's by doing something, but every time its special. When he hugs me or kisses me it's like he is doing it for the first time, like he wants me to know how much it means to him to have me in his life.
Physically: His body he is covered in muscles and not the gross body builder kind. He looks like a surfer, minus the great tan! Hahaha He takes care of his body and I love that he is in such great shape...all 175 pounds of him.
Personality: One thing I love about him is how much he cares about his family. He worries about all of them and would do anything to help any one of them out. He wishes he could spend more time with them, if only they liked him. I love that he would do anything for anyone and that he is a no questions asked kind of guy. He is EXTREMELY PATIENT and I think that is why we work so well...because I am not.
7. Wedding date and where?
February 5, 2005 at the Denver, Colorado Temple and at Morningside Manor in Arvada
8. Why did you get married?
As Nathan would say, because we are a great team. We could conquer the world and at the end still be on the same side. I knew that no matter what all I needed was him. Any trial or problem I could handle if he was with me. He brought the best out in me all of the time. If I hadn't married him he would still be in Oklahoma sad and lonely.
It's like I always say..."Someone had to marry him!"
9. How many love babies do you have?
Two at the moment:
above: Lucas Brendan born July 15, 2006 and
Bridget Louise born Nov 8, 2007 below
I am sure more are to follow.
10. Do you love each other more, less or just as much as you did the day you got married?
I can say that I love him more, but that is because I know him more. I love him as a father and friend and husband of course but I love the things that he does and the way he loves me.
11. What were your wedding colors and flowers?
White, Red and Silver. I know those are every one's colors but when I got married no one else had those colors, in fact everyone thought it was weird that I had a red rose bouquet, so there! I am a trend setter! My bridesmaids wore red and had white bouquets.
I tag Rachel C., Renee R., Laura M., and Jen E., and Emily S.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.