Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ode to the First Trimester

For this ity bity life
I give my whole self
Take my personal plans
Put them up on a shelf

New things more important
Like eating and resting
Can't use the word crazy
So we just call it nesting

I need to write "pregnant"
Across my forehead
A simple way to show why
I look mostly dead
Not time for new clothes
or setting up a crib
Just try to stay grateful
As I lift up the lid

Feeling so weak
Compelled by the retching
I'm sure my poor husband
Finds all of this fetching
I finally have boobs
But does it really matter
They don't seem so cool
With the rest of me fatter

For now it's just me
With this growing babe
Our lives so intwined
The bond firmly made

Despite all my whining
Moping and moaning
We wait and we dream
Just praying and hoping

So I have to give in
And turn over this bod
Relinquish my pride
For our pea in pod
Although I haven't been sick, or tired, or dead feeling, I thought it was cute to post since now I only have 2/3 left till this child comes into this house! I am still wearing regular clothes (thank goodness) and I can't wait for the 8 more weeks till we know what the gender is of Witte #3. AAH!


Jami said...

You are so lucky to not be feeling those things! That is totally how I've been feeling. Bleh. That's a cute poem, though, and congrats on making it out of the 1st trimester! I'm nine weeks and two days, so I have a few more weeks to go... but I had my first ultrasound the other day and it was great! With my having a c-section, maybe we'll have our babies around the same time! :)

Danielle Smith said...

Thank you for posting that little poem. It brought back everything to my memory that I needed. Now I shall officially hold off on number 5 for even longer than planned. Here's to #5 in the year 2015!!

courtney lynn said...

I wish I was as cool as you too! I am sicker than a dog and my asthma is a B**CH because of pregnancy but you are amazing at yet another thing, I am jealous! I bet you are still looking great as usual too! No fair!

Veronica said...

Yeah!! Come on baby witte!!!!

tiffany said...

Seriously I saw you today at church and you aren't even wearing maternity clothes, how is that possible? This is your 3rd kid in 2years! I am just proud to say that I know someone who does it all on their own. No help from the outside. You and Nathan are awesome parents!

*jess* said...

how exciting...can't wait to hear what baby #3 is!!!

Emily S. said...

that poem is HILARIOUS.

Hang in there!!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.