Saturday, November 1, 2008

A review (lots of pix)

The ward Trunk or Treat was Thursday night:
Lucas and his pal Robert
Bridget and Keegan and Lucas (my kids LOVE this boy)
Nathans work party was yesterday, he had 1 day to make a costume, at least he matched the team...well he was the villain HAHAHA:
Halloween was last night, Lucas and I went to a few doors and then went back to help Daddy and Bridget pass out candy. Our first stop is ALWAYS the Kraft-Clarks, not only does he get candy, he gets a BIG hug too!
Lucas is a lot like me he loves to pass out the candy, he had a great time seeing all of the kids in the costumes. He would say hi to every Buzz Lightyear and as they were leaving he would say "Bye Noah!"This year his first pass out was to his gal pal Anna! This was him saying by to her. She was a girl on a mission to get some real candy!
I love these people! :)

This morning was wash the costume and put them in the dress up box day, so here are the last of the costume pictures. I think I got some nice ones!
And this is what really happens when the camera is turned off:


Jen said...

Your kids are just adorable...such cute costumes! We need to get together sometime soon...

Lisa said...

I am going to steal that picture of Robert and Lucas---really cute!

*jess* said...

adorable little lion and ladybug/lovebug!

Jeanette said...

I think Keegan looks terrified! LOL! I love your kids!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.