Friday, October 31, 2008


For those of you who know me, I was a synchronized swimmer for several years of my life. My friend Danielle sent me this link and offensive was not a word I would use to describe the talent I saw in this video. You be the judge.

I am currently looking for some really ugly pictures of me when I was chunky and in a sequin-covered bathing suit at around age 12. Hahaha I am secretly happy there is not one of me on the computer now, but my husband will be determined to find one, I promise.
Here is our team (TEAM USA) at the Swiss Open, talk about talent!

and just so you know...they are NOT touching the bottom of the pool, that is all leg power people!


Martina said...

that was hysterical!!! i might have to steal it as a friday funny or something.

clever as always! :)

Jami said...

I thought the ward talent show one was SO FUNNY! I saw that on another of my friend's blogs... I didn't know you did synchronized swimming! That's amazing! I think the talent show idea was so clever and well-done, I laughed my buns off! :) Two more weeks, huh? I'm sure that seems like forever. I'll be 19 weeks and 6 days at my next appt. and they're going to make me wait till the one AFTER that to try and see... DECEMBER!! bah!

Kathy said...

That has got to be one of the funniest ward talent skits I have ever seen. I was laughing so hard. Larke was on my lap while it was on and she was totally cracking up.

Laura said...

I might have to find that on U Tube. I really feel like making my mom pee her pants because I was close to that myself. Hilarious! Too bad it's a lot harder in real life, but the fact that it was men is just funny. Thanks for uplifting my day!

Auntie V said...

Did someone say that was offensive or something? They do have tank tops on and I don't think TAMN would approve of that, but me, I think it is a-ok. Plus, I think they were good, maybe even better than the second group because you know they were not shaven and that can really hurt your speed and agility.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.