Monday, October 27, 2008

Car-ting, no Carving, no Punkin Cutting

Yesterday we had a special meeting with 2 of the seventies and instead of a full 3 hour block it was more like stake conference. We couldn't go because Nathan was getting ready to go back to Alabama for work and had to be picked up at 10:30. So everyone in my house got a shower, and dressed and headed downstairs to the kitchen for one last fun October thing with Daddy. We carved pumpkins! Lucas has been asking me almost everyday when we get to "cook the punkin," or "cart the punkin," and today he said "it's time to cut the punkin" we did.

Bridget was especially happy to sit on the table and watch Daddy cut the pumpkin. I love that Nathan is doing the tongue thing in the first one, here is my proof that my kids got this silly face from him. Lucas too has some really weird faces in these pictures.
As you can see by Lucas's face this all was really gross, but Bridget who has never carved a pumpkin before knew just what to do (below)We let Lucas do the clean stuff like draw the face...
I asked him what kind of face he drew and he showed me:
Bridgey kissed it for good luck and then one last picture before we had to take Daddy to the airport!I love this picture...I think I will make it my new computer background! :) The kids already miss him, but they just think he is still at work. I haven't and probably won't tell them he took an airplane, because Lucas will think he is visiting Grandma and Grandpa without him! Trust me, I don't want to deal with that melt down! :)


Angie BBC said...

Goodness it seems like you are always posting fun things that you do! I wish we lived closer so that we could do things together. Your kids always look so happy and well behaved, no wonder you are having one more! Good Luck with #3!

Danielle Smith said...

I am glad you guys were able to cut pumpkins with Nathan before he left. I think Nathan's pumpkin cutting face is totally sexy! I think that should be the background on your computer, especially since he is gone this week.
PS-the code I have to type is horn ho...hmm

Jami said...

I don't know why my pics don't load sometimes, I've noticed other people's blogs do that on occasion... but, if you click on the title of the entry, they should come up. dumb, I know. I love your new page, by the way. :)

Auntie V said...

Noah saw these pictures and said "Lucas thinks it's yucky. He is saying "eewwwww!" So your pictures have captured the moment apparently.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.