Friday, October 3, 2008

Wildlife it's an Experience

Literally! We drove to Littleton and went to the Wildlife Museum. I am SO GLAD WE WENT!

We drove Nathan into work this morning so he could show off the kids, and then we went to the Museum.

I see the commercials and hear nothing about it, but I am going to tell all of you with Toddlers...It is a great museum. It is set up so that everything is eye level. They have a baby-2 year old room with magnets, puzzles and all sorts of cool stuff, like puppets, blocks and animals that are just for little ones.

Then they have a room that looks like you are actually in wild Colorado. They have televisions with touch buttons so toddlers and preschoolers can explore and learn all sorts of things about habitats and then they have telescopes and other exploring things for the kids to wear and search for mini bugs and creatures. It was really cool.

After that we went to the Animal Grossology exhibit. It was really gross, Bridget loved this place, then they had a coloring center and a little art project for you to do and then you go on your merry way. We opted for the Learning Den.

There was an ELEPHANT chasing me and Bridget! The museum was taking pictures of Lucas and Bridget in this area because they were in the process of making the new brochures for the new year. We were asked to be in some of the pictures and they gave Lucas a tub of mini animals and gave us 6 free tickets to come again. We have a year and a half to use them, isn't that so cool? The main reason we went to the museum was to go to the golfing exhibit so we went there next...

We had a great time and I hope you guys go too, it is really a great place! All of these pictures are clickable, so click on them to see them bigger, especially to golfing ones they are really cute! :) I love that Lucas told the golfing guy that he was wearing a golfin' shirt like grandpa!
I have to say that I was so grateful that I blow dried and straightened my hair this morning and actually looked cute for being a weird shape (since I am not looking pregnant-pregnant yet) because we had about 3 people snapping pictures of us for that brochure. I would also like to note that someone asked me if I was the nanny because I look too young to have 2 kids. That just made me laugh!


Danielle Smith said...

Looks like another fantastic day in the life of the Witte family has come and gone. Awww! What is to come on next week's episode?! The Butterfly Pavilion? A home improvement project? A-NOTHER baby?! Who knows with you folks! Thanks for joining us! Tune in next week!!

Abigail BBC said...

I can't believe you! You are such an awesome mom, who is so cool that she can go places without bringing another person. I am glad your kids had such a great time. Bridget looks like she has such a personality!

C&R Phillipps said...

That looks fun. Was it expensive? Was it far away? I've never heard of it. It sounds like a good idea for winter time.

Courtney Lynn said...

Whatever, you always look cute when I see you! What I think is also funny is that your kids look just like you so why would they think that? Haha Whatever to those Littleton freaks!

Jami said...

You look so good! I'm glad you had fun! Looks like an awesome place, I wish we could go.

Hilary and Evan Biddulph said...

That looks like sooo much fun! You should go to the little kids museum behind the Aspen Grove shopping center off of Santa Fe and is free and lots of cute stuff. you can rent a $2 explorer bakcpack to take on the bike trail right there...i love it! I am attempting a pot roast tomorrow..I always cook mine too short, so the meat is tough..i am going to try for a good roast..haha. so I guess i am about a month behind you or something..we are due april fun!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.