Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Happy Tuesday

I am very happy to report that so far all 16 blood tests, my 2 mams, and the ultrasounds taken yesterday all came back normal, positive and great, so what a scary 24 hours that was for our family! Sorry to leave everyone hanging, I was really upset and didn't want to get into it until today.

Our day started out great with a breakfast at our house with the Pabst girls, and their cute kids.
Lucas and Bridget had fun with everyone and it was nice to visit with everyone before they had to head back to Utah.Emily and Kylie digging in!
Bridget begging Maddie for some eggs. Hahaha
I managed to get a cute one of everyone on the couch (below)
Emily 2, Kylie 4, Bridget 11 months, Lucas 2, Nathan 11.5 months, Maddie 2.5
I love this one because everyone is looking at Lucas screaming Cheeseburger.
Typical Lucas the center of attention! :)

I am so glad they came.


Jen said...

I am so sorry...sounds like something was wrong - or so the dr's thought? Well, I am glad that it is over for you. Your kids are too cute. What a good mommy you are...always busy with something fun!

Danielle Smith said...

Yay!! All is well!! I am so glad! I know it would all be okay!

Jami said...

So glad you're ok! What was the scare all about?? Hope all continues to be well... praying for you!

Laura said...

YAY!!! I knew it would be fine, but keep me updated on everything. Thanks again for breakfast. We got home tonight at about 8:30. WHAT A TRIP!!! Love ya.

Rachel said...

Scary stuff! I had no idea. If you need anything, please let me know. Thank goodness all your test came back normal.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.