Thursday, December 11, 2008

That's what I thought!

People tell me that Bridget looks like Liz or Stephanie but I have the picture that proves that she looks like me! What do you think?

The problem is that I was such a big baby that we look almost the same age in these pictures. I think I am about 6-9 months in this picture and Bridget is a little over 1 in her picture.

Oh well...
P.S. What about Lucas?


Danielle Smith said...

Here's what I think: I think that they both look a lot like you. I have seen a few pictures of your hubby as a wee lad and I have yet to see a picture that proves those children are actually his...I am thinking fireman or mailman, or perhaps Mister Schwann!!!

Laura said...

Bridget's face is more round, but you do seem to have that same light up your whole face smile. Either are both smashingly beautiful!

Auntie V said...

My bet is for fireman. Just kidding! That crazy red hair could only have come from a Witte!

Courtney Lynn said...

I mean wow, I totally see it. I can't really tell in person but in these pictures the resemblance is crazy. I think you shold post pics of theis Liz and Stephanie...

Jami said...

The resemblance is uncanny! That's too funny! :)

Taryn said...

yay I found your blog!

Cherstin rocks said...

Hey...I was just browsing the web when I found this Baby Lucas doll and it made me smile. He even has red hair!

Thought you'd get a chuckle outta it.

Danielle Smith said...

So I just looked at Cherstin's link...Whoa! Cherstin, I don't know if you are trying to say that Lucas looks like an ugly imp doll or that Lucas looks like Val and Val looks like an ugly imp doll, but I think a fire has started! It's getting hot in here!!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.