Monday, December 1, 2008

Weird and Strange

I was determined to keep the kids on Colorado time while we were here. I was so successful that at 2:30pm Florida time 12:30 Colorado time the kids would just instantly fall asleep no matter where they were. Bridget fell asleep at lunch, Lucas fell asleep while he was painting it was great. It also worked out well because they would wake up at 5:30 and dinner was at 6 and we would put them to bed at 10:30 which is actually 8:30pm. This made our trip extra nice because they were so used to my schedule it was nice to be able to nap ourselves or go out to lunch or hang out with the family because they were so on schedule. High Five to me! :) Just Kidding! Me and my Sista and "The Bridge" on Italian night

Strange things with the kids:
*cut four top teeth
*weaned herself off a bottle
*enjoys the attention she has been getting
*expects applause when she is naughty
*started really talking this trip

*pretty much potty trained himself fully
*started saying weird things like "this Gouda is delicious" "I prefer croissants" "my cousins are my friends too" "Calamari is yummy" "Peas are only for squishing" "Jellyfish give you owies if you have yellow hair" (Aiden my cousin was stung by one at the each a few days ago) "I think I like the beach too much mommy" "My doctor telled me to keep this hat on when the sun is shining" "We made it to the jungle!" "Where is Diego? He lives in the jungle" There are lots more but these are the ones I like the best.
Me and my Dad on Italian night (looks like he doesn't wear his hat when the sun is shining! :)

Another really weird thing is that I have been looking barely pregnant for the past few months and we went swimming and when it was time to get dressed that night my belly popped right out. I went from looking 4 months pregnant to 7 months pregnant in only a few hours! It must be all of the great food I have been eating! (look at my header I look GIANT!)


Jen said... do not look giant by any means. You look great! I love all of the adorable things that Lucas has been saying - too funny!!!

Jami said...

I went through the same thing! I hadn't been showing hardly AT ALL then all of a sudden this week, there it is! My belly! Yay!

Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

I don't know about yay but I'll take it! :)

Laura said...

A side view would give me more of an accurate measurment. I can't believe you are 26 weeks already! It feels like you were just announcing the good news to me. I'm glad you had a great trip. I thought about you every day and wished I was there too. ha ha!

Danielle Smith said...

I will confirm your thoughts of hugeness, yes, you look huge. You look gigantic! JK, actually, that profile picture is tiny, it makes it hard to tell. I think you need an official pregnant picture for me to determine your true pregoness. I will have my meter ready and waiting for you...

Danielle Smith said...

Whoa! The code is unhell. I think these "word verifications" are actually government codes...

*jess* said...

giant? no. glowing beautiful belly? YES!

Druciana said...

Hi! This is Rosa. Nathan told me about your blog. I hope you don't mind.

Your kids are ADORABLE! John would second that comment about the peas. You are not huge! If I didn't know you were pg, I don't think I would be able to tell just from that picture.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.