Friday, January 30, 2009


Lucas is so excited to meet his new sister, most days he asks to see her move in my tummy so he can rub her or lay on her. Bridget thinks it is all weird but must participate because Lucas should never get to do anything that she doesn't get to do. In fact a lot of the time I find her lounging around with Lucas's Baby Beau and laughing when I catch her being naughty. Because you know, all babies are hers!
Today since I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel with this pregnancy we made a paper chain to tear off a link for every day till baby Witte comes. Here they are just making the chains all by themselves. All I did was cut them!We made it pink and green to match her room. Now I guess I will go make some lunch, have a great weekend y'all!


Angie BBC said...

Bridget is a very pretty little girl, not that I am suprised but she is so pretty with those lashes and cheeks. Lucas has long lashes too, wow!

Laura said...

Did you paint the baby's room? I wanna see pictures! I'm excited to meet baby Witte #3 too. I hope she will be there when I come to visit!Do you have an induction date yet?

Courtney Lynn said...

I hope they are as excited as me to see this new baby! :) What is her name anyway?

*jess* said...

O-M-G...bridget is just sooooooo dang cute!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.