Friday, February 27, 2009


photo courtesy of Lucas who I had to bribe with 4 jellybeans to take 3 pictures. Its not the best, but it will do! :)

I am 37 weeks and measuring 42.
I have lost 36 pounds and can't stand Avacados.
I have only been sick sick once this pregnancy,
and now that I am at the end the comments I
have been getting at the store just make me
laugh. I don't get mad or upset anymore just
think to myself I can do this, I can do this.

I am at 4cm and 100% effaced and really could
go any day. I am hoping for the 7th but Nathan
thinks it will be this weekend. We are considering
two different names with middle names and are just
waiting to meet this little chick to decide her names
fate. The final decision is Nathan's since I came up
with the combinations and he was the final say for
Lucas and Bridget. He just looks at them and knows.

Everything is ready, the car is packed...the kids are
excited to see Grandma and Grandpa not really the
new baby but oh well. I hope that whoever is LUCKY
enough to answer their phone when "its time" and GETS
to watch my kids knows how much we appreciate them,
I have to say this in advance because I probably will
forget when the time comes. I pray that everything
goes smoothly and quickly like my last two and feel
so blessed to be able to carry and deliver another child
into this world.
Deep Breath, Deep Breath...


Chaney said...

You'll be fine. I was worried before I had Phillip and had decided I didn't want to do it anymore. Then I held him in my arms and knew it was so very right to add him to our family! Good luck!

Angie BBC said...

If you are as big as 42 weeks you certainly can't tell. I think you look great for being pregnant with your 3rd! Good Luck and I hope it all works out with the watching of the kids.

Jami said...

Can you believe it's here already?? I can't believe you're measuring so big and you still haven't gone yet... good luck this weekend! Or whenever... ;)

The Halls said...

May you have a quick and easy delivery. *good vibes*

Laura said...

You need to let me know if you'll be up to a visitor when I come. I'm really hoping she comes this weekend so I can see you both when I come next weekend. I am so excited for you!

Hilary and Evan Biddulph said...

I swear, anytime you need to deliver a baby or have something big happen, plan it around me:) HAHA If I don't see you at the shower then good luck! I hope everything goes well, and hope I get to see you sometime:) YAY for baby #3

The Cleverley's said...

Oo, oo, oo, you have to hold out for the 7th. That's my birthday!!!!! That would be such a cool b-day present for me! Seriously though, I can't believe you WANT to wait that long. I was begging for my kids to come out early. I just couldn't wait to meet them, oh and get my body back.

MJ said...

HAHA! I feel the same way, Chrystal! I had a LONG talk with my belly, telling Jack-Jack that he could come anytime after that 36 week mark. He came 4 days early!!

Val, I keep forgetting to get the name of that dentist from you when I see you... and I think I'm your VT. I'm a slacker, SORRY!!!!

Jen said...

I am soooo excited for you!!! Can't wait to hear all about that little one :)

Druciana said...

New babies are so much fun! Don't worry. Your kids will do just fine!


So you know we're just around the corner right? When Nancy was at 4cm we were half an hour from birth. You're one tough cookie in our book you know. We're cheering for ya both and praying everything works out. Heck as tough as you and your kids are maybe we should just bring some shoes to the hospital so she can walk herself out the door.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.