Thursday, February 5, 2009

4 years

This is one of our engagement pictures. I wish it was the one we sent out, but I wanted a vertical one since our announcements were vertical. Oh well. :)
Well 5 if you count when we met, but technically its 4 because I didn't like him when I met him. What am I talking about...our Anniversary! Wa-hoo! We beat the average! Haha. I feel so grateful that he was as persistent as he was on pursuing me and had a little cheering section (RV) on "hooking" me. Where has the time gone? We were married in February, bought our house that September, had Lucas that next July then along came Bridget and here I am 8.5 months pregnant with our 3rd. CRAZY. It doesn't seem like it's been 4 years, but I am glad that all of the hard times and fun times have been with him! :)
I didn't like him at first, Feb 2004. My roommate Veronica was dating Nathan's brother and had set Nathan up on a bunch of dates but neglected to tell me that they were with me! It was too late before I figured it out, a whole 2 weeks of dates late! In fact I remember complaining about the whole set up to several people! Then one random day after I got back from camping in Eagle with some friends in June, I got into an argument with my roommate Veronica about tagging along on some double date. She laughed and jokingly suggested for me to call Nathan. Appalled at that notion I rented a movie and ordered Chinese food. They left and then our house phone was Nathan! I hadn't spoken to him since the 2 weeks of torture I put him though in February. She came home from her double date and knew I had talked to him. It was so bizarre, so meant to be it was crazy. Nathan lived in Oklahoma so I knew we weren't going to get married or anything but I talked to him everyday until Ryan and Veronica were married in August. When Nathan came out for their wedding several people asked us when we were getting married and I didn't realize that they were serious until he went back to Oklahoma and I knew I needed him in my life permanently. Ryan and Veronica always knew, I knew too but I was scared to admit it. The next weekend Andrea and Timon were married and that is when he flew out and surprised me and we were picking dates!

I never thought my story with my husband would involve a long distance 2 month relationship ending in a proposal and a 5 month engagement where it included 2 months of us not even being together. We never technically dated, but if you know us that is just how we are. I mean a week after we were married we were talking about buying a house. After we found the house, we were talking about I guess our story just fits us! Haha

Since we have only been married for 4 years I am only going to list 4 things I love about Nathan...haha

1. I love that he wants only the best for me and our family, and never settles.
2. He lets me make the final decision on things, probably so that I think I am always in control.
3. He is a hard worker and goal oriented and tries to instill these traits into our children.
4. The first thing he says when he walks in the door after work is "I love you, what can I do to help you?"
Maybe I should list one more so we make it another year...
5. I love that he calls or IM's me throughout the day just to make sure that I know he loves me.

I opted not to put the KISS System on the list but I am happy for that too. HAHAHA


Jen said...

Happy Anniversary guys!!!

Angie BBC said...

I think he is still persuing you! LOL I hope that you are married 4x4 more years and that you keep having lots of beautiful children!

Veronica said...

Happy Anniversary! I am so happy you are a VW too!

courtney lynn said...

I don't know any man that continually finds new way to love his wife than Nathan, I am secretly jealous!

Druciana said...

It is so sweet how in love you two still are!

Danielle Smith said...

Awww! So sweet! Nathan is a freaking sex bomb in the engagement pic! Woo! Someone fabulous had a mother who is fabulous who must have taken that pic! Your hair looks gorgeous in your wedding photo! Who did it?! I need their number!

Nathan said...

Yes I do love my wife and how she "tells" that story.

I Love you Dear.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.