Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Two Minutes

Usually two minutes in my house means...
"Two minutes till bed time"
"Two minutes till we have to leave"
"Two minutes till its time to get out of the tub"
You get the idea. Today two minutes meant TROUBLE! Lucas helped me make meatballs for our subs tonight. Afterwards he asked me if he could help me clean the kitchen. I looked at the clock and thought sure, its 4:15 we have time to take our time on washing the dishes. I filled up the sink with suds and let him have fun with it...This usually means that Bridget would eventually find her way up to the sink and "help" Lucas with his task. Which is great because I could sweep the floors while they were busy and do a few other things like switch the laundry out.I guess I wasn't really thinking how long this would take because as soon as I bring up the dry clothes I hear this evil laughter. I was only gone two minutes - I thought. Well, today two minutes meant....
Lucas had turned on the water, and pulled out the hose and almost drowned Bridget! I drop the basket and run to the sink, I almost died because the floor was covered in water! I look at Lucas who is completely dry and yell what are you doing and his response was "Bridgey like to swim mommy" I look at her a second time...She does NOT look like she likes to swim! I was so mad that I couldn't even scream. I couldn't even cry. I put them down stairs and just mopped my entire floor and cabinets and counter tops, and chairs and remained in silence until Nathan came home. I just couldn't get mad, their little faces were so innocent and sweet and I just *sigh* let it go.

If Nathan had come home and commented on the clean floors I would have socked his arm. Thank goodness he didn't say anything...for his sake!


Jami said...

Oh, Val. I have to laugh, and hope you can, too. Especially after those pictures. It's times like this I have to ask myself (when I'm in your shoes, of course), "What did I expect?" All too often I set my kids up for disaster by leaving them unattended - for two minutes. LOL Kids are the stuff that make your life NOT boring, right? What would we do without them? (Besides be able to walk through the kitchen without breaking our necks. Or theirs, for that matter.)

Jen said...

Sorry, but that was too cute...I love the last picture of Bridget!!!

Laura said...

If looks could kill......man that's funny. I'm sorry I'm sure I would be far from laughing in that same situation, but with kids as cute as yours it's hard to not find the humor in it:)

Hilary and Evan Biddulph said...

I love the last picture! Priceless! you always have the funniest things going on!

Veronica said...

I like her grouchy face!

Megan said...

Oh wow! Those last shots are just too cute and funny. Poor Brig. But I can see where Lucas was going with it!

Druciana said...

Those pics are great! All of a sudden I had flash backs of Sean getting the sprinkler turned on in his face when he was almost 1. These are memories you will never forget and love to remember.

C&R Phillipps said...

Those pix are hilarious. Aren't big brothers great!

Dylan, Holly, and Aspen said...

That's pretty funny. The pics are great!!!

*jess* said...

pooooor brig!!!!! she did look awfully adorable though. :)

The Clan Piccini said...

I just kind of stumbled upon your blog... you have adorable children! :o)

My girls are the same with my being gone 2 minutes, and with my youngest it honestly only takes one... she is THAT good! LOL I am SO glad we don't have a hose on our sink, its bad enough at bathtime :o)

That last picture is priceless!

Emily S. said...

holy crap, that last pic is a HOOOT!!

(and LOVe your apron in the first pic!)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.