Saturday, February 14, 2009

V Day

I am not mushy. I have no opinions or feelings toward loving or hating Valentines Day. That being said I do enjoy having another reason to have a special day with Nathan and the kids. Since our anniversary is at the beginning of the month we NEVER go out on Valentines Day. This year was no different, we had plans to eat something special, do a few projects that were special and make a special treat. The point here was to be together. On Thursday I volunteered to babysit Anna and Issac on Friday night, and Kaitlyn on Saturday night. This I thought would add to our weekend of celebration. I was right. Lucas LOVED having his friends over. Bridget had a ball making Issac laugh and seeing another baby. Anna and her big little brother came over for treat making and relay races. We made funfetti cake cookies and decorated them with heart sprinkles and icing. The kids liked this a lot.
Bridget is only upset because I caught her mullet on film. Hahaha. We read a few books and then went to bed. Lucas thought is was cool that Anna came over again in her pajamas, it is now a requirement for the Sollis's to come to our house in pajamas. Haha.

This morning we exchanged our conversation heart love notes...
and Nathan made pancakes. The kids love when Nathan makes pancakes. They also got to play with their new JUMBO balls. I couldn't pick just one of Bridget, she was just so excited. They are all clickable!

After Lunch Kaitlyn came over and we did a little painting project and read a few books. This was Lucas's favorite part because he got to paint on his Art Table. Lucas painted an octopus in the ocean, but not the kind that bite he said. Haha.
We loved having friends over and had a great two days. Dinner is going to be good I hope, and we are going to watch a family movie tonight. When I told Lucas this, he said "Robert's turn is tomorrow right?" I had to say no, but I think we are going to have to kidnap him so Lucas can have jammie time with Robert too. Hahaha. Happy Valentines Day!


Melanie said...

I absolutely love her outfit with the yellow pants. She looks like him in the 1st picture, their cheeks are the same puffieness. I wish I knew you were available to babysit, I would have used you since you always do crafts! Darn, next time, next time.

Jen said...

Looks like your kids had a blast with their is so great all the fun things you do when you babysit!

Angie BBC said...

I agree with Jen, I wish I could just stay at your house and be baby sat! :O lol

Brittney and Michael said...

Kaitlin had such a great time today ...she was still talking about it at bedtime. Thanks again for letting her come play.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.