Friday, May 8, 2009

18 Months

What can I say about Bridget that I haven't already written? For a while there I would tell people I have 2 little boys because Bridget wanted nothing to do with anything girlie. If Lucas was wearing pants, she would have to be wearing pants. I will never forget the day we shaved Lucas's hair and Bridget cried and cried because she wanted hers like his. Then one day I matched Scarlett with Bridget and it clicked, I am so pretty, I am a girl, I get to wear dresses. After that day Lucas was the one who wanted to match the girls! :)

(lucas took these)
Things about "the Bridge" that we love...

She is ALWAYS the life of the party. She has a little man laugh that can not be described or copied. She can say about 40 words and likes to do things all by herself. She loves Peanut Butter and Jelly "wanwiches." She loves to run in our room in the morning and lay on Daddy's chest to say "mo-ning." She loves to get her hair done and brush her teeth. She is so incredibly special to us and we absolutely love her. Most people who meet her can never get enough because her personality is just so welcoming, and so funny you just want to sit with her and play. She is outgoing, and happy most of the time. She is a great Little and Big Sister because she loves to watch "boy shows" and play trains with her big brother and loves to hold and feed her little sister.

I think this one is just funny
This will be her first Sunday in Nursery and what a great Mother's Day present for Nathan. :) He has had to teach Sunday school while she is draped over his shoulder and chest passed out for a nap for almost 7 months. He would do it again in a heartbeat (and probably will have to with Scarlett.) I love how she is a go-getter, and never cries when she gets hurt, she rubs it (the owie) and is on her way. Speaking of owies she too had shots on Wednesday. For those of you who don't know how shots go I will explain. The nurse lays her down to get the shots and I tell them that she won't cry if she is sitting up. She likes to watch. They look at me and say well we will try it with the first one and see. (Like me her mother would make this up) As soon as she sees the shot she is very still and then they prick her. Her reaction..."Oh, and-aid" This is how it went with all 3 of her shots. She never cries with shots, it's great.
Her stats...
18 months
31 pounds 2 oz 70th percentile (3 pounds shy of Lucas)
32 1/2 inches 52nd percentile (7 inches shy of Lucas)
She is such a shortie! Lucas at 18 months was in the 96th percentile for weight and height! :)

She is already showing her 2 year old tantrum side, so I can't wait to see what 2 will bring!
They do say girls are harder toddlers than boys...we shall see! :)


Auntie Stef said...

Bridget definitley looks like our side of the family. She is so adorable!!

C&R Phillipps said...

Cute pix! I love the pigtails. Can't believe she is only 18 mos. She seems older. Maybe because she is already a big sister! My Brandon seems older too, but that's because HE is so huge.

The Cleverley's said...

I wish I knew the difference between boys and girls, but I don't. All I can say is each child is unique and different. Ellie is a completely different toddler than Ashley.

Veronica and Ryan said...

I love the one of Bridgie where she is mad. Is that mean?

Rachel said...

Go Bridge! Love that girl. Today was fun. Can't wait for more summer outings with you guys.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.